ወሰን Apartments & Houses for Sale & price in Ethiopia

ዘመናዊ መኖሪያ በጥሩ ዋጋ 15
ዘመናዊ መኖሪያ በጥሩ ዋጋ
60,000,000 ETB
Area 400msq, Built up area 250msq Main house:-Bedroom 4 and 4 Bathroom Open Kitchen Service Quarter :-Store, Maids Room, Traditional Kitchen,Family room,laundry and bathroom Parking-5 car...
4 Bedroom
One Basement
4 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
የሚሸጥ ቪላ ቤት 3
የሚሸጥ ቪላ ቤት
30,000,000 ETB
ዘመናዊ ቆንጆ ቤት አድራሻ ወሰን 0920849233 0911824599...
3 Bedroom
3 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
8,600,000 3
8,600,000 ETB
ባለ 2 መኝታ ያለቀ አፓርትመንት 113 ካሬ 8.6ሚልነን የማይገኝ እድል ነው እንዳያመልጦት 0940077576...
113 m²
2 Bedroom
6th Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
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