Ethio Shop & Store, Addis Ababa

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8-In-1 Complete Body Massager 1
8-In-1 Complete Body Massager
8,700 ETB
8-In-1 Complete Body Massager 8 በ 1 የማሳጅ ማሽን 8 ተቀያያሪ ያለው የማሳጅ ማሽን ፡ለተለያዩ በሽታዎች የሚሆንለነርቭ፣ለቁርጥማት፣ለደም ዝውውር፣ ለድብርት እና ለመሳሰሉት ለሁሉም የሰውነት አካል ማሸት የሚችል ከፀጉር እስከ እግር ጥፍር ማሸት የሚችል The Magic Massager is electronically designed to relieve fatigue. Can be used all throughout the body Strong Motor Variable Speed at Fingertip Comes with different Accessory head Price 8700 ብር...
Addis Ababa
Game Console Stick Lite 2
Game Console Stick Lite
5,500 ETB
Game Console Stick Lite - HDMI Output, and 2.4GHz Wireless Controller - የጌም ፍቅር ላለባቹ ምርጥ የጌም መጫወቻ - ሁለት Joystick ያለው - ከ TV ጋር መገናኘት የሚችል - ከ computer ጋር መገናኘት የሚችል - ከ 10,000+  በላይ ጌሞች ያሉት Price 5500 ብር...
Addis Ababa
Mini Wireless Bluetooth Earphone 1
Mini Wireless Bluetooth Earphone
2,900 ETB
Mini Wireless Bluetooth Earphone ዘመናዊ እና አዲስ የመጣ  -Clip-On Wireless Earbud Headset - መኪና ለሚነዱ ምርጥ መፍትሔ - ባለገመድ የጆሮ ማዳመጫ - የራሱ ስልክ ማንሻ እና መዝጊያ ያለው - 10ሜትር ርቀት መስራት የሚችል - Price, 2900 ብር...
Addis Ababa
S3 Digital Game Console 3
S3 Digital Game Console
3,850 ETB
S3 Digital Game Console  - 520 ጌሞች ያሉት - ለልጆችዎ ምርጥ መዝናኛ - ከ ቴሌቪዥን ጋር መገናኘት የሚችል - የተለያየ የከለር አማራጭ ያለው - የ ስክሪን ስፋት 4.3 inch (ca. 11 cm) - Supports connection to TV screen output Price 3850 ብር...
Addis Ababa
CELEBRAT W61 Bluetooth 5.3 Headphone 2
CELEBRAT W61 Bluetooth 5.3 Headphone
5,500 ETB
CELEBRAT W61 Bluetooth 5.3 Headphone • Bluetooth version: V5.3 • Connection distance:10 meters • Driver unit: Φ13mm • Battery capacity: 30mAh (earbud) / 200mAh (charging case) • Charging time: 2 hours • Music time: 4 hours • Talk time: 3 hours • Standby time: 25 hours Price: 5500 Birr...
Addis Ababa
Nintendo Switch Game 2
Nintendo Switch Game
29,500 ETB
Nintendo Switch Game Brand New Similar Graphics As PS4 Can Be Connected To TV With Full HD Display Can Use PS4 Or Xbox Controller (Can Connect Up to 8 Controllers) Price 29500 Birr...
Addis Ababa
Moulinex Subito 10 Cups Coffee 1
Moulinex Subito 10 Cups Coffee
9,900 ETB
Moulinex Subito 10 Cups Coffee  Moulinex የቡና ማፍያ- 10ሲኒ •Number of Cups 10 •Permanent filter •Coffee Dripping Anti-drip •Permanent filter  • GLASS JAR Price 9900 Birr ያሉበት ድረስ  በነፃ እናደርሳለን...
Addis Ababa
Mini Label Bluetooth Printer 3
Mini Label Bluetooth Printer
6,900 ETB
Mini Label Bluetooth Printer ለተለያየ አገልግሎት የሚውል አነስተኛ ፕሪንተር - Clothing - Jewelry - Retail - Mailing - Barcode - Compatible with Android & iOS System - በ Bluetooth የሚሰራ - ለ  Android & iOS የሚሆን - Model Phomemo M110 Label Printer Price 6900 ብር...
Addis Ababa
Portable Mini Bluetooth Printer 1
Portable Mini Bluetooth Printer
4,800 ETB
Portable Mini Bluetooth Printer - ለተለያየ አገልግሎት የሚውል አነስተኛ ፕሪንተር - Compatible with Android & iOS System - በ Bluetooth የሚሰራ - ለ Android & iOS የሚሆን - APP(I Print) through the APP Store (IOS System) or Google Play… Price 4800 ብር...
Addis Ababa
Jordan 6 Retro Travis Scot 2
Jordan 6 Retro Travis Scot
7,600 ETB
Jordan 6 Retro Travis Scot Brand New Price 7600 Birr...
Addis Ababa
West Strong Digital Air fryer 1
West Strong Digital Air fryer
11,700 ETB
West Strong Digital Air fryer  -8 liter 2400 watts  -ያለ ዘይት ምግብ ማብሰያ ሙሉ በሙሉ ዲጂታል  -Colored LCD screen የተገጠመለት  -ለአሮስቶ፣ ጥብሳ ጥብስ፣ ቺፕስ ፣ ኬክና መሰል ምግቦችን ያበስሉበታል  -በአንድ ጊዜ 8 ሊትር ምግብ ያበስሉበታል 2400 W ሃይል የሚጠቀም  -ፈጣን ከዘይትና ቅባት ነፃ የሆነ ምግብ አብስለው በመመገብ ጤናዎን ይጠብቁ ዋጋ፦ 11,700 Birr ያሉበት ድረስ በነፃ እናመጣለን...
Addis Ababa
2 ድስቶች + 1 ወጥ ማቅረቢያ + 1 መጥበሻ 1
2 ድስቶች + 1 ወጥ ማቅረቢያ + 1 መጥበሻ
7,900 ETB
2 ድስቶች + 1 ወጥ ማቅረቢያ + 1 መጥበሻ  - የማይዙ የማያሳርሩ ለይታ ውቡ የሆኑ  ዋጋ፦ 7900 Birr ያሉበት ድረስ በነፃ እናመጣለን...
Addis Ababa
Jordan 11 Shoes 3
Jordan 11 Shoes
4,900 ETB
Jordan 11 Shoes Brand New & Original Price 4900 Birr Free Delivery...
Addis Ababa
Home Theaters Speakers 4
Home Theaters Speakers
10,500 ETB
Home Theaters Speakers . USB . LED display . MMC Card input . MP3 Format Music . FM Radio and Bluetooth functions,  . Suitable for different taste adjustment . Volume control, integral adjustment, is free. . Bass, treble can be controlled easily, independently choose music style. . Three full frequency satellite.  . Speakers make the sound loud and clear.  Price : 10500 Birr Free Delivery....
Addis Ababa
Ultra Portable Air Cooler 1
Ultra Portable Air Cooler
4,350 ETB
Ultra Portable Air Cooler -Portable In Home, Camping, Office Personal cooler.  - Evaporative air filter with 3 speed control. - How to use Portable Air Cooler - Simply fill with water, plug it into any standard  wall outlet or USB port and enjoy. It runs up… Price 4350 ብር...
Addis Ababa
Arabian Mejllis 2
Arabian Mejllis
105,000 ETB
Arabian Mejllis አስቸኳይ የሚሸጥ መጅሊስ   አዲስ ነው 10 ሜትር ዋጋ 105,000 ሺ ብር...
Addis Ababa
