Profil 60*60 oven for sale & price in Ethiopia

Price : 72,000.00 ETB Negotiable

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የተለያዩ አዳዲስ oven በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ ይዘንላቹ መተናል lufratel, luxel, femeslux, kumtel, profile, delex, popular, rolex, ፋን ያለው, ታይመር ያለው, ግሪል ያለው, 4 tum electric እንዲውም 2 electric 2 gas ያለው አገሩስጥ ሚገጣጠሙትን ጨምሮ Turkey, Korea, China , ምርት የወኑ የተለያዩ oven ስላስገባን ለበለጠ መረጃ 0941****** Show phone ወይም 0923****** Show phone ይደውሉ
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