Mont Blanc🧳 Duffle Bags for sale & price in Ethiopia

Price : 3,800.00 ETB


እንኳን ለአዲሱ ዓመተ በሰላም አደረሳችሁ 🧳 Mont Blanc 🧳 🧳 Duffle Bags Upgrade your class with A Quality Bag 🧳 Useable as Travel and Gym bags 🧳With adjustable belt and keychain 🧳 With multiple zippers 🧳 Size 11*19 🧳 Easy to use and carry 🧳 Made of high-quality leather 🧳 With an elegant and classy design ️FREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን) 🧳 Contact Us