24 pcs socket wrenchset for sale & price in Ethiopia
Price : 5,000.00 ETB
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10 hours ago
24 ብዛት ተቀያያሪ ሶኬት መፍቻ
24 pcs 1/2'' DR. Socket wrench set
23,24,27,30 and 32
️ዋጋ 5000 ብር
️ካለ ተጨማሪ ክፍያ ያሉበት እናመጣለን
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+251****** Show phone" onclick="showPhone(153815, +251****** Show phone)"> Show phone
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24 pcs 1/2'' DR. Socket wrench set
23,24,27,30 and 32
️ዋጋ 5000 ብር
️ካለ ተጨማሪ ክፍያ ያሉበት እናመጣለን
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