የልጆች ማቀፊያ for sale & price in Ethiopia
Price : 2,000.00 ETB
- Posted
1 month ago - Condition
ላላ ባለኮፍያ የልጆች ፎጣ
80cm በ80cm የሆነ
ከፍተኛ የመምጠጥ ችሎታ ያለው
ውስጡ ፈር እና ለስላሳ የሆነ
ለልጆች ከሻወር በኋላ እንድሁም ለብርድ መከላከያ የሚለብሱት
ለማዘዝ እነዚህን ቁጥሮች ይጠቀሙ
️ 0909****** Show phone
️ 0911****** Show phone
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80cm በ80cm የሆነ
ከፍተኛ የመምጠጥ ችሎታ ያለው
ውስጡ ፈር እና ለስላሳ የሆነ
ለልጆች ከሻወር በኋላ እንድሁም ለብርድ መከላከያ የሚለብሱት
ለማዘዝ እነዚህን ቁጥሮች ይጠቀሙ
️ 0909****** Show phone
️ 0911****** Show phone
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ወገወብ ገበያ Last seen ago
Registered 6 months ago - Visit Seller's Page
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Always meet in a public well-lit place.
Avoid meeting or travelling through small and unknown alleys, even in day time.
It is safer to meet in day time. Avoid meeting after in the evening or secluded places.
Thoroughly inspect the product before buying it.
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Addis Ababa
Jenboro real estate ( በጊዜ ግቡ )
luxurious Apartment in the city ( sarbet Vatican embassy )
12,561,000 ETB
በሳር ቤት ቫቲካን ኤምባሲ አጠገብ የከተማችን ዘናጭ አፓርትመንት ሙሉ ለሙሉ በኢትዮጵያ ብር ብቻ አንዴ ከተዋዋሉ በኋላ ምንም አይነት የዋጋ ጭማሪ የማይደረግበት 10% ቅድመ ክፍያ ብቻ ከባለ 1 - 3 መኝታ ድረስ ከ20% ተጨማሪ ቅናሽ ጋር አፓርትመንቱ የሚያሟላቸው ነገሮች - - የከርሰምድር ውሀ - በቂ የመኪና ማቆሚያ - የልጆችና አዋቂዎች መዝናኛ ስፍራ - ጂምናዝየም - ስፓ - የልጆች መጫወቻ ቦታ - ሲኒማ - 15 የተለያዩ ሊፍቶች - የቆሻሻ ማስወገጃ - ጀኔሬተር - የደህንነት መጠበቂያ ካሜራ - የተለያዩ ዝግጅቶች ማድረጊያ ቦታ ተጨማሪ ሳይት ቦሌ ቡልቡላ 93 ማዞሪያ Jenboro real estate ለበለጠ መረጃ 0909210806 / 0932610115...
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SMART 16KG WESHING MASHEN Type: Twin Tub Washer Loading Type: Twin Tub Washing Capacity: 16 kg SPIN Capacity: 10 kg Top Lid: Turn up - Transparent Energy Efficiency Class: A Program Type: Semi-Automatic Operation Type: Semi-Automatic Control Type: Analog Features: Wash & Dry Washer Type: Twin Tub PRICES ።።39,500 BERR;;;;;;;;; እደ እቃ አይነት እናደርሳለንሁሉም እቃዎቻችን የተረጋገጠ ዋስትና አላቸው በካሽ አልያም በሞባይል ባንኪንግ መክፈል ይቻላል ስልክ +251944298989 ...
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Hp Omen 16Core i9 13th Generation CPU Speed (2.50 GHZ ) boost up to 4.5 GHZ.️ 24-Core, 32
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Hp Omen 16 Core i9 13th Generation CPU Speed (2.50 GHZ ) boost up to 4.5 GHZ. 24-Core, 32 way of Logical Processing Performance High Quality processor with 13th generation Graphics: Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 8GB GDDR6 Ram 16GB DDR4 Storage 1000gb SSD 8GB Nvidia RTX 4060 Max-Q graphics cardUltra-slim Dark-Red color Pice =183,000 Call on 09 24 24 07 22...
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‼ባንክ ያለበት አስቸኳይ የሚሸጥ Attrage እንዳያመልጦ‼የመኪናው አይነት:- Mitsubishi Attrageሞዴል:- 2022በ Automatic Transmission27ሺ ኪ.ሜ የተነዳታርጋ በኮድ 2 C-***ከተላላፊ የለጠፈEngine ---1.2LDrive-Type-FWDየመኪናው ይዞታ:-በጣም ንፁህ ነውዋጋ 1,700,000 ብርለባለቤቱ ካሽ 1,100,000 ብርባንክ አለበት የባንኩ ወርሀዊ ክፍያ 34,000 ብርኮሚሽን 2% ይከፍላሉ!09-13-65-26-59ትክክለኛ ገዢ ከሆኑ ብቻ ይደውሉልንበዋጋ ተመጣጣኝ የሆኑ መኪኖችን-(በካሽ, ወይም በባንክ ብድር) አማራጮች ለመግዛት እንዲሁም ለመሸጥ ወይም ለመለወጥ ካሰቡበ 09-13-65-26-59 ይደውሉልን ፈጣን ግብይት ያገኛሉ ! ምርጫዎ ስላደረጉን እናመሰግናለን!...
Original Left
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
Hp core i5 (11th Generation)
67,500 ETB
Brand New core i5 (11th Generation) / 8logical Processor / Hexa core processor Model : HP Note Book ( HP Notebook Laptop 15.6 inch screen in size) Condition: Brand new 11th generation Screen :15.6inch (Full HD Screen) Storage :512GB SSD storage ( Fast) Ram : 8gb DDR4 Intel UHD 630 integrated graphics card It has finger print 3.0GHZ processor speed 10 hours battery life 2gb nvidia graphics card ...
Intel Core i5
8GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
Mahlet Tekola law office
Attorney and Consultant at Law - ጠበቃ እና የህግ አማካሪ
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Your one-stop destination for comprehensive legal solutions! At Mahlet Tekola Law Office, our team of experienced attorneys specializes in a wide range of legal areas including mergers and acquisitions, tax law, labor and employment, family law, corporate and commercial law, intellectual property and copyright, as well as real estate and construction. Your trusted legal partner With a track record of successful cases and satisfied clients, our dedicated team is committed to providing you with top-notch legal services tailored to your specific needs. Solutions for every legal need Whether you are a business owner looking for corporate counsel or an individual seeking family law guidance, Mahlet Tekola Law Office is here to support you every step of the way. Your peace of mind is our priority Rest assured that with Mahlet Tekola Law Office by your side, you will receive professional representation and strategic solutions to help you navigate the complexities of the legal system with confidence....
Addis Ababa
Ja Computer
Hp Omen 16
184,000 ETB
BRAND NEW OMEN 16 core i9 13TH GENERATION HP OMEN GAMING OMEN 016 Core i9-13th Generation1TB SSD STORAGE 16gb RAM 4800 MHZ SPEED Memory 2K RESOLUTION (2560x1440) 16 inch screen REFRESH RATE 165HZ Nvidia Geforce RTX 4060 8gb dedicated graphics(VRam) #PRICE 184,000 Birr Call 0943-4680-63 0703-8415-32 @ja_e_24 Join https://t.me/ja_computer ...
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16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa