Pacto ID cards CR80 in Ethiopia
Price : 30.00 ETB
- Posted
17 hours ago - Condition
Brand: PID
PACTO ID - Blank White Cards 500 Pcs commonly used as ID card with standard credit card size and 30 mil thickness (known as CR80 cards) and work with every ID card printer.
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PACTO ID - Blank White Cards 500 Pcs commonly used as ID card with standard credit card size and 30 mil thickness (known as CR80 cards) and work with every ID card printer.
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DSDawit Sisay Last seen 26 hours ago
Registered 1 year ago - Visit Seller's Page
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Pacto ID cards CR80
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106 - 149m² m²
Jenboro Real Estate
Near to Vatican embassy
12th Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Kasa car market
Very Urgent Bank Make: BYDModel:e2Generation:1StTrim:Flying Year:2024
3,200,000 ETB
Very Urgent Make: BYD Model:e2 Generation:1St Trim:Flying Year:2024 Body Type:Hatchback Seats:5 Engine:55KW 74HP Battery Capacity: 38.88KWh Drive Type:Single Motor FWD Transmission: Automatic Top Speed:130KM/H Fuel:Electric Range:405KM Plate No:Code2 C5**direct Mileage:4000 K.M Price:3.2Million ETB Comission.. 2% Contact-0912106997
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