Nike_Air Jordan 1 Elevate High Shoes for sale and price in Ethiopia
Price : 6,500.00 ETB
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2 weeks ago - Condition
Nike_Air Jordan 1 Elevate High Shoes
Master quality
Size:- 40,41,42,43
Price:- 6500
Free delivery
0911****** Show phone
ከአዲስ አበባ ውጭ ለምትገኙ በመኪና ሹፌር ወይ በፖስታ ቤት እንልካለን። አ.አ ያለ ሰው ካሎት እንዲቀበልሎ ማድረግም ይችላሉ።
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Master quality
Size:- 40,41,42,43
Price:- 6500
Free delivery
0911****** Show phone
ከአዲስ አበባ ውጭ ለምትገኙ በመኪና ሹፌር ወይ በፖስታ ቤት እንልካለን። አ.አ ያለ ሰው ካሎት እንዲቀበልሎ ማድረግም ይችላሉ።
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SFSheger Fashion Last seen 2 days ago
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