industrial gas cookers 3burner for sale & price in Ethiopia

Price : 8,800.00 ETB

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Table top gas burners 3parts
Gas burner table top cooker
commercial gas burner parts
Commercial gas stoves
Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe
ባለ 3ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን
ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ
ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው
ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም
All new cooker faster cooking
FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking
Price ዋጋ 8,800 Birr   
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Addis Ababa
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Table top gas burners Gas burner table top Commercial industrial commercial gas burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ1 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ የጋዝ ሴንሰር አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking Price ዋጋ 11,500 Birr +251944298989...
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Industrial gas cooker 2 burners gas gulf gulf Table top gas burners 2 parts Gas burner table top commercial gas burner parts Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 4 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking Color Rid MADE IN CHINA Price ዋጋ NEGOTIABLE +251944298989 በምስሉ እደ ምታዩት ነዉ ደወ ፈለጋቹበት እናደርሳለን Channel Nejaelectronics00...
Addis Ababa
table top gas cooker 1 burner stove part 2
table top gas cooker 1 burner stove part
Industrial gas cooker 1 burners gas gulf gulf Table top gas burners 1 parts Gas burner table top commercial gas burner parts Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 1 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking Color Rid MADE IN CHINA Price ዋጋ NEGOTIABLE +251944298989 በምስሉ እደ ምታዩት ነዉ ደወ ፈለጋቹበት እናደርሳለን Channel Nejaelectronics00...
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parts industrial gas burners cookers
12,500 ETB
Table top gas burners Gas burner table top commercial gas burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 2 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ የጋዝ ሴንሰር አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking made in ITALY Price ዋጋ 12,500 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
industrial gas burner 3 burners part Sale price Ethiopia 2
industrial gas burner 3 burners part Sale price Ethiopia
53,500 ETB
Standing gas burners Gas burner Standing 3 burners Industrial gas 3 burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 3 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal Price ዋጋ 53,500 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
gas stove 2burners table top cookers free deliver 2
gas stove 2burners table top cookers free deliver
Industrial gas cooker 2 burners gas gulf gulf Table top gas burners 2 parts Gas burner table top commercial gas burner parts Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 2 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking Color Rid MADE IN CHINA Price ዋጋ NEGOTIABLE +251944298989 በምስሉ እደ ምታዩት ነዉ ደወ ፈለጋቹበት እናደርሳለን Channel Nejaelectronics00...
Addis Ababa
industrial gad burners 3 parts cooker 2
industrial gad burners 3 parts cooker
8,500 ETB
Table top gas burners 3parts Gas burner table top cookers commercial gas burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 3 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking MADE IN CHINA Price ዋጋ 8,500 Birr +251944298989 Channel Nejaelectronics00...
Addis Ababa
12,500 ETB
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Addis Ababa
industrial gas burner 3 burners part Sale price Ethiopia 2
industrial gas burner 3 burners part Sale price Ethiopia
53,500 ETB
Standing gas burners Gas burner Standing 3 burners Industrial gas 3 burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 3 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal Price ዋጋ 53,500 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
gas cooker stove industrial 4burners part 2
gas cooker stove industrial 4burners part
16,500 ETB
Industrial gas cooker 4TYPE burners Table top gas burners 4 parts Gas burner table top commercial gas burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 4 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking MADE IN CHINA Price ዋጋ NEGOTIABLE +251944298989 Channel Nejaelectronics00...
Addis Ababa
Industrial gas burners 1 parts prices ethio 2
Industrial gas burners 1 parts prices ethio
6,500 ETB
WINNING STAR Industrial gas stove Gas burners table top ባለ1 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new ceramic cooker from Star for faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking Price ዋጋ 6,500 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
Table top cooker gas2×elec free deliver 2
Table top cooker gas2×elec free deliver
7,300 ETB
Table Top Cookers 2electronic 2gas Gas control new የሙቀት መቆጣጠሪያ/ትልቅ ደስት መሸከም የሚችል ከጠንካራ ማተሪያል የተሠራ 2000 ዋት ለማፅዳት ቀላል ጉልበት ያለው የሙቀት መቀናሻየሰዓት መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው የኤሌትሪክ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new for faster cookingIt has faster button operation manual display for easy cooking control Easy for use 4electric alew new ይዘዙን ያሉበት በነፃ አረናደርሳለን ዋጋ ይደዉሉ እናመሰግናለን Price ዋጋ 7,300 Birr free deliver +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
8,500 ETB
SuTai Stove Cooker/Stove ባለ አንድ ምድጃ ተች ስቶቭ 1500 watt ሃይል ይጠቀማል ፍሳሽ የማያስገባ የፈለጉትን ድስት የሚጥዱበት ፈጣን እና ጠንካራ ምድጃ ለአጠቃቀም በጣም ምቹ እና ዘመናዊ ከመጠን በላይ እንዳይግል መከላከያ ያለው ቆሻሻ የማይ All new ceramic cooker from Su Tai Stove for faster cookingIt has faster touch button operation Digital display for easy cooking control Automatic cooking control Use For cooking stems barbecue fry Easy for use ይዘዙን ያሉበት በነፃ አረናደርሳለን Price ዋጋ 8,500 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
35,000 ETB
EVVOLI STOVE built in cabinet KITCHEN TOP ALL NEW CERAMIC 60×60 ባለ 7200 ዋት ጉልበት ያለው የሙቀት መቀናሻ ፋን ያለው በተች የሚሰራ‼የሰዓት መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው የኤሌትሪክ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new ceramic cooker from evvoli Stove built in cabinet for faster cookingIt has faster touch button operation Digital display for easy cooking control Automatic cooking control Use For cooking stems barbecue fry Easy for use ይዘዙን ያሉበት በነፃ አረናደርሳለን ዋጋ ይደዉሉ እናመሰግናለን Price ዋጋ 35,000 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
gas burners industrial 1parts 2
gas burners industrial 1parts
11,500 ETB
Table top gas burners Gas burner table top Commercial industrial commercial gas burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ1 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ የጋዝ ሴንሰር አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking Price ዋጋ 7,500 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
midea Stove induction cookers ceramic 1
midea Stove induction cookers ceramic
11,500 ETB
MIDEA STOVE induction cooker ባለ 1ኤሌክትሪክ ኢንዳክሽን ነዉ ኢንዳክሽን ለልጆች ሴፊ ነዉ መቀናሻ ፋን ያለው በተች የሚሰራ‼የሰዓት መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው የኤሌትሪክ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም Induction new ceramic cooker from midea for faster cooking It has faster touch FAST cooking control Induction Cooker ExCIUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR EDNA ELECTRO POWER Automatic cooking with multi-function Strong and efficient heating power 8-level power setting,easy to control Non-fire cooking,safe and clean Easy for use ይዘዙን ያሉበት በነፃ አረናደርሳለን Price ዋጋ 9,500 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
gas burners gulf cookers 2 burner 2
gas burners gulf cookers 2 burner
8,000 ETB
Table top gas burners Gas burner table top commercial gas burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 2 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ የጋዝ ሴንሰር አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking made in ITALY Price ዋጋ 8,000 Birr +251944298989...
Addis Ababa
roshan stove bl 1 ele & 1 gaz 2
roshan stove bl 1 ele & 1 gaz
16,500 ETB
ROSHAN STOVE 1ele & 1 gaz ባለ 1ኤሌክትሪክ እና ባለ 1 ጋዝ ኤክትሪክ እና ጋዝ የሚሰራ የጋዝ ሴንሰር አለዉ ባለ 2000 ዋት ጉልበት ያለው የሙቀት መቀናሻ ፋን ያለው በተች የሚሰራ‼የሰዓት መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው የኤሌትሪክ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new ceramic cooker from silver crest for faster cookingIt has faster touch button operation FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking stems barbecue fry Easy for use ይዘዙን ያሉበት በነፃ አረናደርሳለን Price ዋጋ 16,500 Birr +251944298989 ስለ መረጡኝ አመስግናለሁ ሼር ያድርጉ ለወዳጅ ዘመድ ...
Addis Ababa
industrial gas cooker 2burner Stove part free deliver 2
industrial gas cooker 2burner Stove part free deliver
Industrial gas cooker 2 burners gas gulf gulf Table top gas burners 2 parts Gas burner table top commercial gas burner parts Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 4 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking Color Rid MADE IN CHINA Price ዋጋ NEGOTIABLE +251944298989 በምስሉ እደ ምታዩት ነዉ ደወ ፈለጋቹበት እናደርሳለን Channel Nejaelectronics00...
Addis Ababa
table top industrial gas cooker 2parts 2
table top industrial gas cooker 2parts
7,500 ETB
Table top gas burners 2 parts Gas burner table top commercial gas burner parts Commercial gas stoves Industrial Gas Stove - Choose Exceptional Equipment. A professional gas stove ordered from our online store is a durable, user-friendly, and completely safe ባለ 2 ምድጃ ለስራ የሚሆን ጋዝ ቴብል ላይ ሚቀመጥ ጋዝ መጫሪያ አለዉ ጋዝ ሀይል መቆጣጠሪያ ያለው ለፍጥነት ለውበት የሚወዳደረው የለም All new cooker faster cooking FAST cooking control Manal cooking control Use For cooking MADE IN CHINA Price ዋጋ 7,500 Birr +251944298989 Channel Nejaelectronics00...
Addis Ababa