ቤቶትን ወደ ሲኒማ ይቀይሩ 4K Projector for sale & price in Ethiopia
Price : 13,000.00 ETB
- Posted
3 weeks ago - Condition
ቤቶትን ወደ ሲኒማ ይቀይሩ 4K Projector
Mini Projector, Auto Keystone Correction Portable Projector, 4K/ 200 ANSI Smart Projector with 2.4/5G WiFi, BT 5.0, 120 Inch Screen, 180 Degree Flip, Round Design, Home Video Projector
PROJECTOR - አዲስ ዕቃ
•HDMI ስለሚቀበል ከሪሲቨር እና ከDSTV DECODER ጋር መገናኘት ይችላል!
•ANDROID 11.0 ስለሆነ ከWIFI ጋር Connect Youtube,Yacin TV,ETV PRO እና ሌሎች የAndroid App መጠቀም እንችላለን!
•USB Flash ስለሚቀበል በFlash ምስሎችን እና ፎቶ እንዲሁም Audio ማጫወት እንችላለን!
•ከ40 እስከ 120 Inch ስለሚሰፋ እንዲሁም በRemote ZOOM አድርገን እና አጥብበን ማየት እንችላለን!
•በግድግዳ እና በኮርኒስ ማየት እና መጠቀም እንችላለን!
•ለአያያዝ እና ለአጠቃቀም አመቺ ነው!
•የራሱ Remote,Socket እና HDMI CABLE አብሮት ይመጠል!
For both retail and wholesale.
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Mini Projector, Auto Keystone Correction Portable Projector, 4K/ 200 ANSI Smart Projector with 2.4/5G WiFi, BT 5.0, 120 Inch Screen, 180 Degree Flip, Round Design, Home Video Projector
PROJECTOR - አዲስ ዕቃ
•HDMI ስለሚቀበል ከሪሲቨር እና ከDSTV DECODER ጋር መገናኘት ይችላል!
•ANDROID 11.0 ስለሆነ ከWIFI ጋር Connect Youtube,Yacin TV,ETV PRO እና ሌሎች የAndroid App መጠቀም እንችላለን!
•USB Flash ስለሚቀበል በFlash ምስሎችን እና ፎቶ እንዲሁም Audio ማጫወት እንችላለን!
•ከ40 እስከ 120 Inch ስለሚሰፋ እንዲሁም በRemote ZOOM አድርገን እና አጥብበን ማየት እንችላለን!
•በግድግዳ እና በኮርኒስ ማየት እና መጠቀም እንችላለን!
•ለአያያዝ እና ለአጠቃቀም አመቺ ነው!
•የራሱ Remote,Socket እና HDMI CABLE አብሮት ይመጠል!
For both retail and wholesale.
Call us for details:
0918****** Show phone , 0910****** Show phone , 0910****** Show phone
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Royal Electronics
የተለያዩ እቃዎችን በታላቅ ቅናሽ እኛ ጋር ያገኛሉ በነጠላም ሆነ በጀምላ እናከፋፍላለን!!
Last seen 3 days ago
Registered 1 year ago - Visit Seller's Page
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Brand New EPSON Projector With manual CD and cartoon Model name: EB -X49 Hardware interface: VGA, USB, HDMI Lamp Life Expectancy 5,000 / 12,000 Hours (Normal /Eco) Mounting type: Floor Mount, Tabletop Mount Brand: Epson Brightness:.3800 ANSI Lumen Up to 300 inchs lamp life Controller type: Button Control Display resolution: 1024 x 768 Item weight: 2.4 Grams Light source wattage: 200 Watts Call me 09 93232233...
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13th Gen
16GB Ram
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Dell gaming laptop core i5 9th gen 8GB Ram, 512GB SSD
45,500 ETB
Dell Latitude 5501 2 GB nividia MX 150 dedicated core i5 9th generation(Europe standard) Storage : 512 gb ssd(faster than hard disk) 8 GB Ram screen size: 15.6 inch with finger print scanner and white keyboard light 6+ hours battery life price :45,500 birr አድራሻ:- ቦሌ፣ ሰላም ሲቲ ሞል ፊት ለፊት፣ ላሚር ህንፃ 1ኛ ፎቅ call: +251960494294 +251911420257 Telegram channel- https://t.me/abugidatech11...
Intel Core i5
9th Gen
8GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
Dell OptiPlex 790, Intel Core i5, 500GB HDD, Ram 4GB Desktop
23,500 ETB
Dell Desctop Optiplex 790 Core i5, HDD 500GB Ram 4GB Processor speed 3.3ghrz black color 24" monitor ...
24 inch
Intel Core i5
4GB Ram
Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
Addis Ababa
RG Commission
Sino Casoni HoWo 400Hp 2023
8,500,000 ETB
Howo.....Sinocasoni by chancy Model.....2023 Hp..........400 Transmission.....Manual Condition.....New Brand Price............5,900,000 birr Commission......2% Call......,,0912838034 Http://t.me/bmjcar...
Original Left
Addis Ababa
Jenboro real estate ( በጊዜ ግቡ )
Luxury Apartment
17,775,000 ETB
luxury Apartment sarbet near to Vatican embassy 1 - 3 bedrooms 10% advance payment only Birr agreement Building facilities Mechanically & Naturally ventilated rooms Reception and guest waiting place 24 hours CCTV control Intercom Underground water Standby Generator Elevators Garbage shooters Amazing City View parking security & All other facilities are available. Contact us for more information 0909210806 0932610115 # WhatsApp # Telegram...
3 Bedroom
150m² m²
Jenboro Real Estate
sarbet near to Vatican embassy
12th Floor
3 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Neja electronics00
Alpha air conditioner 18000btu free deliver
104,000 ETB
AIR CONDITIONER ALPHA 18000BTU SPLIT TYPE IN DOOR & OUT DOOR (UNIT) COOLING SYSTEM ONLY COOLING ለቤት ለቢሮ ለአዳራሽ በተለይ በተለይ ሙቀት የበዛበት ሀገሮች ያገለግላል Free deliver ዋጋ ድርድር 0944298989 ስለ መረጡኝ አመስግናለሁ ሼር ያድርጉ ለወዳጅ ዘመድ ሼር ...
Addis Ababa
Automart Car Market
5,800,000 ETB
Make: Hyundai Model: SantaFe Year: 2020 Transmission: Automatic Standard: Europe Body Type:SUV Engine:IN-Line 4 Cyl 2.2L Turbo Drive Type:4WD Fuel Type: Petrol Plate No..Bought from Embassy Condition: Super Excellent Status: Full-Option Price: 5.8 Million ETB Comission: 2% Contact: 0965209957 https://t.me/AutomartCarMarket...
SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle)
Original Left
Addis Ababa
50,000 ETB
Addis Ababa
Neja electronics00
Lg 20/12kg washer&dryers full automatic
210,000 ETB
LG 20/12KG WASHER +DRYER ful automatic Washing mashine Washer 20/12kg Dryer 12kg One 100% dryer New steam Washing time Spin time Dryer times ዋጋ ,,,210,000 birr,,, more call me back የጠለጠ መረጃ #0944298989...
Addis Ababa
3,100,000 ETB
Make: Toyota Model: Yaris Year:2016 Body Type:Sedan Transmission:Automatic Fuel:Benzine Plate No:B*** Code 2 Condition:Extremely Neat Engine:1300 Cc Features: AUX audio in Air conditioning Bluetooth system CD player Cruise control Parking sensor rear Power locks Power windows Tuner/radio USB ABS Airbags (front and side) Traction control Fog lights Price....3.1 Million ETB Negotiable Commission....2% 0983165352 ማንኛውም መኪና መሸጥ፣መግዛት እንዲሁም መቀየር ሲያስፈልግዎ፤ይደውሉ :: https://t.me/LOYALCARMARKET...
Addis Ababa
Automart Car Market
Toyota Yaris Compact 2015
2,700,000 ETB
Make: Toyota Model: Yaris Compact Year:2015 Automatic Body Type:Sedan Engine: 1.3L, 4 Cyl. Fuel:Benzine Plate no:B2*** code 2 Excellent Condition Features: Cruise control Parking sensor rear Airbags (front and side) Traction control Fog lights Price :2.7 Million negotiable Commission:2%...
Original Left
Addis Ababa
Neja electronics00
Lg Washing Machine 16KG free deliver
78,000 ETB
LG 16KG WESHING MASHEN Type: Twin Tub Washer Loading Type: Twin Tub Washing Capacity: 16 kg SPIN Capacity: 10 kg Top Lid: Turn up - Transparent Energy Efficiency Class: A Program Type: Semi-Automatic Operation Type: Semi-Automatic Control Type: Analog Features: Wash & Dry Washer Type: Twin Tub LIFE'S GOOD PRICES Negotiableብዛት አለን ወደ ፈለጉበት ቦታ እናደርሳለንሁሉም እቃዎቻችን የተረጋገጠ ዋስትና አላቸው በካሽ አልያም በሞባይል ባንኪንግ መክፈል ይቻላል ስልክ +251944298989 Telegram Nejaelectronics00 ...
Addis Ababa
Mahlet Tekola law office
Attorney and Consultant at Law - ጠበቃ እና የህግ አማካሪ
Contact Seller
Your one-stop destination for comprehensive legal solutions! At Mahlet Tekola Law Office, our team of experienced attorneys specializes in a wide range of legal areas including mergers and acquisitions, tax law, labor and employment, family law, corporate and commercial law, intellectual property and copyright, as well as real estate and construction. Your trusted legal partner With a track record of successful cases and satisfied clients, our dedicated team is committed to providing you with top-notch legal services tailored to your specific needs. Solutions for every legal need Whether you are a business owner looking for corporate counsel or an individual seeking family law guidance, Mahlet Tekola Law Office is here to support you every step of the way. Your peace of mind is our priority Rest assured that with Mahlet Tekola Law Office by your side, you will receive professional representation and strategic solutions to help you navigate the complexities of the legal system with confidence....
Addis Ababa
Jenboro real estate ( በጊዜ ግቡ )
luxurious Apartment in the city ( sarbet Vatican embassy )
12,561,000 ETB
በሳር ቤት ቫቲካን ኤምባሲ አጠገብ የከተማችን ዘናጭ አፓርትመንት ሙሉ ለሙሉ በኢትዮጵያ ብር ብቻ አንዴ ከተዋዋሉ በኋላ ምንም አይነት የዋጋ ጭማሪ የማይደረግበት 10% ቅድመ ክፍያ ብቻ ከባለ 1 - 3 መኝታ ድረስ ከ20% ተጨማሪ ቅናሽ ጋር አፓርትመንቱ የሚያሟላቸው ነገሮች - - የከርሰምድር ውሀ - በቂ የመኪና ማቆሚያ - የልጆችና አዋቂዎች መዝናኛ ስፍራ - ጂምናዝየም - ስፓ - የልጆች መጫወቻ ቦታ - ሲኒማ - 15 የተለያዩ ሊፍቶች - የቆሻሻ ማስወገጃ - ጀኔሬተር - የደህንነት መጠበቂያ ካሜራ - የተለያዩ ዝግጅቶች ማድረጊያ ቦታ ተጨማሪ ሳይት ቦሌ ቡልቡላ 93 ማዞሪያ Jenboro real estate ለበለጠ መረጃ 0909210806 / 0932610115...
2 Bedroom
106 - 149m² m²
Jenboro Real Estate
Near to Vatican embassy
12th Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
3,800,000 ETB
Brand....Hyundai Model....Tucson Body type...SUV Year....2017 Mileage....75,000 km Color....White Fuel....Benzine Transmission....Automatic Engine size....1.6cc Korean standard Plate No.Code 2 B*** Full Option Pushbutton Panoramic roof Lather seat Price....3,800,000 ETB Commission....2% 0983165352 ማንኛውም መኪና መሸጥ፣መግዛት እንዲሁም መቀየር ሲያስፈልግዎ፤ይደውሉ :: https://t.me/LOYALCARMARKET...
Addis Ababa