RED EAST Vacuum Cleaner 80Liter ( ማፆጃ , ማጠቢያ ) for sale & price in Ethiopia
Price : 50,000.00 ETB
- Posted
6 days ago
RED EAST Vacuum Cleaner 80Liter ( ማፆጃ , ማጠቢያ )
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Zeki jemal Tools & Machineriy
ጥራትና እምነት መገለጫችን ይሞክሩን ይረኩብናል
Last seen 6 days ago
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RG Commission
Changan e-star 2023
2,050,000 ETB
Make: Changan E-star permit Model:Benben e-star Year:2023 Body hatchback Engine:55 kw Drive Type:RWD Fuel:Electric Transmission:Automatic Color:White Full Charged 350KM Mileage:00 Kms Plate No: [ ያለጠፈ ] Condition:Brand New Features:- Heated seats Leather seats Navigation system Parking sensor rear Power seats Parking assist Lane departure alert Front camera Rear TV screens USB Price.......1,750,000 Birr Commission ......2% Phone +251912838034
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