የሚሸጥ ቦታ & price in Ethiopia
Price : 35,000,000.00 ETB
- Posted
1 hour ago - Area (m²)
500 - 1000m²
የሚሸጥ ቦታ
ካሬ =662
ዋጋ =35000000ብር
አድራሻ =አዲሱ ገበያ ሩፋኤል በትክርስቲያን 200 ሜትር ገባ ብሎ ከ አስባልት
ድርድር አለው (negotiable)
ቀጥታ ገዢ ኮሚሽን አይከፍልም
ስልክ =0923****** Show phone
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ካሬ =662
ዋጋ =35000000ብር
አድራሻ =አዲሱ ገበያ ሩፋኤል በትክርስቲያን 200 ሜትር ገባ ብሎ ከ አስባልት
ድርድር አለው (negotiable)
ቀጥታ ገዢ ኮሚሽን አይከፍልም
ስልክ =0923****** Show phone
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Mmichaelfitsum Last seen 18 days ago
Registered 1 year ago - Visit Seller's Page
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የሚሸጥ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም ቦታ አያት ባለ3 መኝታ ለመኖሪያ ምቹ የሆነ አካባቢ አስፋልት ዳር ላይ በዘመናዊ መልኩ የተሠራ 107ካሬ ሜትር ሊፍት እየተገጠመ ያለው 13ኛ ፎቅ ላይ መሸጫ ዋጋ 5,500,000 ብር...
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20,000 ETB
የሚከራይ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም ቦታ አያት ባለ3 መኝታ ለመኖሪያ ምቹ የሆነ አካባቢ አስፋልት ዳር ላይ በዘመናዊ መልኩ የተሠራ ቁምሳጥን ካቢኔት የተገጠመለት 3መኝታ 2ባኞ ቤት ያለው ኪራይ ዋጋ 20,000 ሺህ ብር ለበለጠ መረጃ 0902404049...
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95 - 104m² m²
7th Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
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DMC Luxury Apartment for sale
1,200,000 ETB
ዲ ኤም ሲ ሪል እስቴት ቤት በ 99,000 ብር https://call.whatsapp.com/voice/EWaUtDtYuGsFhMjWVwUt9m #Ethiopia | በመሃል አዲስ አበባ ለቡ መብራት ዋና መንገድ ላይ 65,395 ካሬ ላይ የሚያርፍ ውብ ሂል ሳይድ የመኖሪያ መንደር እጅግ ዘመናዊ እና ፈጣን በሆነው አልሙኒዬም ፎርም መርክ የሚገነባ አፓርትመንት በሽያጭ ላይ ነን በተለያዩ የካሬ ሜትር አማራጭ 0913458924 ስቱዲዮ ባለ አንድ መኝታ ባለ ሁለት መኝታ ባለ ሦስት መኝታ ባለ አራት መኝታ ለአጭር ጊዜ የሚቆይ ቅድመ ክፍያ 10 በመቶ ወይም ከ 560,000 ሺ ብር ጀምሮ ሁሉም ቤቶች ከስቱዲዮ እና ከ አንድ መኝታ ውጭ ተጨማሪ የሰራተኛ ክፍል ያላቸው። ስቶር እና የ ላውንድሪ ክፍሎች ያሏቸው። በ 30 ወራት የሚጠናቀቅ የጋራ መገልገያዎች አራት የመንገደኞች እና አንድ የእቃ አሳንሰር አምስት የዋና ገንዳዋች አስተማማኝ ና ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ ሰፊ የመኪና ማቆሚያ የኤሌክትሪክ መኪና ኃይል መሙያ መሳሪያ ለተለያዩ ዝግጅቶች የሚሆን የጋራ ቦታ የቆሻሻ መጣያ (Garbage shooter) ዘመናዊ የገበያ ማዕከሎች የሽያጭ ቢራችን ለቡ ማብራት ሀይል እንገኛለን! ለበለጠ መረጃ +251913458924 +251983444354 ደስታዋ እዚህ ይጀምራል !!!...
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3 Bedroom
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Addis Ababa
Jenboro real estate ( በጊዜ ግቡ )
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luxury Apartment sarbet near to Vatican embassy 1 - 3 bedrooms 10% advance payment only Birr agreement Building facilities Mechanically & Naturally ventilated rooms Reception and guest waiting place 24 hours CCTV control Intercom Underground water Standby Generator Elevators Garbage shooters Amazing City View parking security & All other facilities are available. Contact us for more information 0909210806 0932610115 # WhatsApp # Telegram...
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483,000 ETB
የምስራች መሀል ከተማ ለመኖር ላቀዳቹ በሙሉ ሊሴ ገ/ማርያም ት/ቤት አጠገብ +251913458924 ከ 483ሺ ብር ቅድመ ክፍያ ጀምሮ ከ 4.8ሚሊየን ብር መሉ ክፍያ ጀምሮ ከ ባለ 1መኝታ - ባለ 3መኝታ 1 መኝታ46 ካሬ 4,830,000 10% 483,000 1 መኝታ 64 ካሬ 6,720,000 10% 672,000 1 መኝታ 71 ካሬ 7, 455,000 10% 745,500 2 መኝታ 92 ካሬ 9,660,000 10% 966,000 3 መኝታ 106 ካሬ 11,130,000 10% 1,113,000 3 መኝታ 111 ካሬ 11,655,000 10% 1,165,5000 10% ቅድመ ክፍያ 0913458924 0983444354...
Temer Real Estate
1 Bedroom
4th Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
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75,000 ETB
Hp notebook New Arrival Genuine laptop Processor: Intel Core i5 Memory:16GB Storage:1000GB SSD Graphics: Intel Iris Pro 1536MB 2gb Iris Dedicated Graphics card Resolution:2880x1800 Retina Price 75,000etb Call 09 79 69 79 57...
Intel Core i5
13th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
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New Samsung Galaxy M15 5G
22,700 ETB
Samsung Galaxy M15 5GStorage - 128 GB Ram - 6 GB Battery - 6000 mAH Dual Sim - (2 ሲም ካርድ)PRICE -23,500 ETB #samsungphone የ ቴሌግራም ግሩፖችን ቤተሰብ በመሆን የ ልዮ ቅናሸ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ፡፡ Contact us0938231723 Telegram Channel Link https://t.me/Amenmobilestore መገናኛ ማራቶን ሕንፃ...
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Lexus LX570 2023
35,000,000 ETB
Make: Lexus Model:LX570 Year:....... 2023 Body Type: SUV Engine :5.7L V8 383HP Drive Type:AWD Fuel:-Benzine Fuel Economy: 10KM/L Transmission:8-Speed Automatic Color: Nori Green Pearl Plate No: Brand New Condition: Brand New. Features Sunroof Heated front seats Heated rear seats Heated steering wheel Ventilated front seats Head-up display Surround-view camera Smart key Blindspot detection Forward collision warning Autonomous emergency braking Lane departure warning Adaptive cruise control Remote engine start GPS Auxiliary audio input Front USB ports Sirius XM Bluetooth audio Wireless phone charging. Price.....35,000,000 ETB Commission ......2% Call 0912838034 Http://t.me/bmjcar...
SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle)
Original Left
Addis Ababa
Automart Car Market
3,300,000 ETB
Make.. Hyundai Model.. Grand Starex Year.. 2017 Transmission.. Automatic Engine.. 2.5L Fuel... Diesel Mileage.. 110,000 Kms Plate No.. Bxxx Code 3 Status.. Full Option Condition.. Super Excellent Price... 3.3 Million ETB Negotiable Commission... 2% Contact.. 0965209957...
Minibus and Van
Original Left
Addis Ababa
Laptop Hub
original Lenovo Type c laptop charger
3,200 ETB
original 45W Lenovo Type c laptop charger...
Addis Ababa
BMj Commission
3,350,000 ETB
Brand BYD e2Manufacturer : BYD AutoLayout : front motor front wheel driveBody Style : 5 Door SedanElectric : BYD magnet SynchronousPower out put : 55kw( 74hp )Battery : 38.88kwhElectric Range: 405km Price...........3,150,000 birr Commission .......2% Call........0912838034 https://t.me/bmjcar...
Original Left
Addis Ababa
Tech Shop
Haino Teko ANC-10 Earbuds
3,300 ETB
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Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
HP pavilion
67,000 ETB
NEW ARRIVALS HP Pavilion with 2gb graphics ultra slimINTEL CORE I5 11th generation Model : pavilion GRAPHICS: 2gb Nvidia mx450 graphics Screen :15.6 inch FHD display Storage : 512Gb SSDRam : 16gb DDR4 Metallic body Finger print Dolby sound system Price: 67,0 00birr...
Intel Core i5
11th Gen
16GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
Amen Mobile Store
New Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G
41,000 ETB
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G Brand new 100% Original Support 5G NetworkAndroid version 13 Camera:Quad 108Mp+10Mp+10Mp+12MP Selfie:40MP12 GB RAM 128 GB storage Support E-Sim #5,000 mAh Battery Water resistant Price #43,000ETB Amen Mobile Sales & Solution ኦሪጅናል ሞባይሎችን ከሙሉ ዋስትና ጋር Contact us0921728550 Telegram Channel Link @amenmobilestore ...
12GB Ram
Dual Sim
Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa
BRAND NEW Victus Gaming laptop Logical 14 processors 2013th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-13650
150,000 ETB
BRAND NEW Victus Gaming laptop Logical 14 processors 20 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-13650HX 144 Hz Refresh Rate+FULL HD Resolution 16 GB DDR4 RAM 512 SSDre-Key RGB With Anti-Ghost Key 16" inch screen with FHD resolution 6GB405/6GB SUPERPrice 150,000 Birr Call. 09 24 24 07 22...
Intel Core i7
13th Gen
16GB Ram
16 inch
Addis Ababa
TOYOTA CH-R 2021 Europe
5,000,000 ETB
Make:Toyota Model:CHR Engine:1.2T AWD Fuel:Benzine Transmission:6-Speed Automatic Year:2021 Gas Mileage:12km/L Plate No:C2xxx Code 2(1st Plate) Standard:Europe Fully Loaded Condition:Excellent Major Options:- Bluetooth, Backup Camera, Adaptive Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels,Leather seat,Climate Control Automatic Air conditioning,Stability Control,Rain Sensors,Bi-xenon Lights,Brake Assist,Keyless Start. Price....5,000,000 Birr Commission....2% 0983165352 ማንኛውም መኪና መሸጥ፣መግዛት እንዲሁም መቀየር ሲያስፈልግዎ፤ይደውሉ :: https://t.me/LOYALCARMARKET...
Addis Ababa