water tanker in Ethiopia
Price : 5,500.00 ETB
- Posted
1 week ago
#Dk water tanker(Roto) supplier
500L----8,500 birr
1000L---11,500 birr
200L....5,500 birr
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500L----8,500 birr
1000L---11,500 birr
200L....5,500 birr
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Always meet in a public well-lit place.
Avoid meeting or travelling through small and unknown alleys, even in day time.
It is safer to meet in day time. Avoid meeting after in the evening or secluded places.
Thoroughly inspect the product before buying it.
Make sure you make payment after reviewing and receiving the product.
Be careful of sellers who rush or demand that you quickly transfer money.
Do not give sensitive information such as passwords and pins.
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HDMI VIDEO CAPTURE : Microware HDMI capture card can record high-quality images on PC. It supports UVC (USB Video Class), you can easily record PC game video by simply connecting between PC and game console. Using our "Video Capture Card", you can easily achieve HDMI pass-through and PC recording, and you can use the built-in functions of existing software to achieve a seamless experience. ...
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Cube Shoe Rack ዘመናዊ የጫማ ማስቀመጫ ፍሬሙ ጠንካራ የብረት ሽቦ አካሉ የተወጠረ ጠንካራ ፕላስቲክ ብርሃን አስተላላፊ በር በቀላሉ የሚገጣጠም ቦታ ቆጣቢ ባለ 6 ደረጃ 12 ጥንድ ጫማ የሚይዝ 96cm ቁመት *31cm ስፋት *እና 44cm ርዝመት...
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AIR CONDITINER MIDEA MASFC-48CRDN1 IN DOOR & OUT DOOR INVERTER SISTEM ONLY COOLING SPLIT TYPE REFRIGERANT R410A/0.72KG MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE 5.0MPa PRESSURE EXCESSIVE OPERATING DISCHARGE 4.2MPa PRESSURE SUCTION 1.5MPa POWER SOURCE 220V-60Hz, 1PH RATED CURRENT 13.5A ለቤት ለቢሮ ለአዳራሽ በተለይ በተለይ ሙቀት የበዛበት ሀገሮች ያገለግላል Free deliver Negotiable new +251944298989 ዋጋ ይደዉሉ የበለጠ መረጃ ስለ መረጡኝ አመስግናለሁ ሼር ያድርጉ ለወዳጅ ዘመድ...
Addis Ababa
Eyuel yideg
ብዛት አስገብተናል#HP Spectre Series DiamendcutTouchscreen & Pen support HP ELITEBOOK 1040 G7 X3
69,500 ETB
ብዛት አስገብተናል #HP Spectre Series Diamendcut Touchscreen & Pen support HP ELITEBOOK 1040 G7 X360 Core i7-10th Generation Storage:512GB SSD Ram:16gb DDR4, Supper Fast slim & portable with fingerprint Graphics: intel®UHD graphics card battery: above 8HRs!!! Screen size 14.1 inch with one year warranty price:69,500 birr +251919371208...
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Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G
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Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5GStorage - 256 GB Ram - 12 GB Battery - 4500 mAH #samsungphone የ ቴሌግራም ግሩፖችን ቤተሰብ በመሆን የ ልዮ ቅናሸ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ፡፡ Contact us0921728550 Telegram Channel Link https://t.me/Amenmobilestore መገናኛ ማራቶን ሕንፃ...
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