Game console for sale & price in Ethiopia

play station 5 2
play station 5
77,000 ETB
PLAY STATION 5 packed It can take CD77,000 birr ...
Addis Ababa
New playstation 5 Slim 3
New playstation 5 Slim
80,000 ETB
Playstation 5 Slim Brand New 2 original joystickStorage 1TB Price 79,999...
Addis Ababa
ps5 consle 2
ps5 consle
82,000 ETB
Ps5 console Condition: Almost new Price: 82000 birr:...
Addis Ababa
XBOX One S 1
22,000 ETB
XBOX ONE S QUALITY LIKE PS4 PRO በ 22,000 ብር Exchange Available (ባሎት PlayStation ላይ ጨምረው መቀየር ይችላሉ) PlayStation በቅናሽ ዋጋ ከCan PlayStation ይግዙ XBOX ONE S 1 Orginal jestic Storage 1000gb 4K quality resolution Full accessories 6 Months warranty without Power supply ብዛት አቅርበናል ለክፍለ ሀገር እናቀርባለን ይደውሉ Tanks for choice አድራሻ፦ ቁጥር 1 መገናኛ ሱቅ የአድራሻ ለውጥ በቅርቡ ስለምናደርግ ከመምጣቶ በፊት አስቀድመው ይደውሉ ቁጥር 2 ቦሌ Celavi burger አጠገብ ዘንባባ ህንፃ ምድር ላይ ስልክ፦ 0910529770 ወይም 0977349492 0914646972 ይደውሉ ለአዳዲስ መረጃ Telegram channel join ይበሉ ፦ Update Your Life...
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 4 jestic Packed 2
PlayStation 4 jestic Packed
3,500 ETB
PlayStation 4 Jestic Exchange Available (ባሎት PlayStation ላይ ጨምረው መቀየር ይችላሉ) በቅናሽ PlayStation ይግዙ ከ Can PlayStation PlayStation 4 Dubai jestic=3500 Ps4 Dubai Used Orginal jestic=4500 PlayStation 5 Packed jestic=10,000 ብዛት አቅርበናል ለክፍለ ሀገር እናቀርባለን ይደውሉ Tanks for choice አድራሻ፦ ቁጥር 1 መገናኛ ሱቅ የአድራሻ ለውጥ በቅርቡ ስለምናደርግ ከመምጣቶ በፊት አስቀድመው ይደውሉ ቁጥር 2 ቦሌ Celavi burger አጠገብ ዘንባባ ህንፃ ምድር ላይ ስልክ፦ 0910529770 ወይም 0977349492 0914646972 ይደውሉ ለአዳዲስ መረጃ Telegram channel join ይበሉ ፦ Update Your Life...
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 5 jestic Charger dook 1
PlayStation 5 jestic Charger dook
4,500 ETB
PlayStation 5 jestic Charger dock Charger Uses 2 Controller Best Conditions Full accessories 1 years guarantee ዋጋ=4,500 ብዛት አቅርበናል ለክፍለ ሀገር እናቀርባለን ይደውሉ Tanks for choice አድራሻ፦ ቁጥር 1 መገናኛ ሱቅ የአድራሻ ለውጥ በቅርቡ ስለምናደርግ ከመምጣቶ በፊት አስቀድመው ይደውሉ ቁጥር 2 ቦሌ Celavi burger አጠገብ ዘንባባ ህንፃ ምድር ላይ ስልክ፦ 0910529770 ወይም 0977349492 0914646972 ይደውሉ ለአዳዲስ መረጃ Telegram channel join ይበሉ ፦ Update Your Life...
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 4 Pro በ 42,000ብር ብቻ 1
PlayStation 4 Pro በ 42,000ብር ብቻ
42,000 ETB
PlayStation 4 Pro ከ5 Game ጋር በ 42,000ብር ብቻ ብዛት አቅርበናል ለክፍለ ሀገር እናቀርባለን ይደውሉ 2 Orginal jestic FC25 +4 game የተጫነበት Dubai Condition Full accessories 6 Months warranty without Power supply Tanks for choice አድራሻ፦ ቁጥር 1 መገናኛ ሱቅ የአድራሻ ለውጥ በቅርቡ ስለምናደርግ ከመምጣቶ በፊት አስቀድመው ይደውሉ ቁጥር 2 ቦሌ Celavi burger አጠገብ ዘንባባ ህንፃ ምድር ላይ ስልክ፦ 0910529770 ወይም 0977349492 0914646972 ይደውሉ ለአዳዲስ መረጃ Telegram channel join ይበሉ ፦ Update Your Life...
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 4 slim 2joystick and games 1
PlayStation 4 slim 2joystick and games
38,000 ETB
PlayStation 4 slim Storage 500gb 2 joystick 2 cd Fifa21 and call of duty Price 38,000 0920953186 0941816748 Join @ Http://
Addis Ababa
joystick PS4 joystick የፕሌስቴሽን ጆይስቲክ PS4 controller 4
joystick PS4 joystick የፕሌስቴሽን ጆይስቲክ PS4 controller
2,600 ETB
PlayStation 4 Joystick Ps4 joystick Playstation controller joystick Brand New packed Wireless PS4 joystick ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው ጆይስቲክ የፕሌስቴሽን ጆይስቲክ ጠንካራ ዘላቂ controls and buttons Dual Shock Vibration feedback joystick Playstation 4 Joystick PS4 joystick Playstation Controller SoftTouch, easy grab button Plug and play ስልክ 0900716156 Price 2,600 birr @Samishops...
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 4 ከ5 Game ጋር በ 31,000ብር ብቻ 1
PlayStation 4 ከ5 Game ጋር በ 31,000ብር ብቻ
31,000 ETB
PlayStation 4 ከ5 Game ጋር በ 31,000ብር ብቻ ብዛት አቅርበናል ለክፍለ ሀገር እናቀርባለን ይደውሉ 2 Orginal jestic 500GB Fc25 የተጫነበት Dubai Used Full accessories 1 year warranty without Power supply Tanks for choice አድራሻ፦ ቁጥር 1 መገናኛ ሱቅ የአድራሻ ለውጥ በቅርቡ ስለምናደርግ ከመምጣቶ በፊት አስቀድመው ይደውሉ ቁጥር 2 ቦሌ Celavi burger አጠገብ ዘንባባ ህንፃ ምድር ላይ ስልክ፦ 0910529770 ወይም 0977349492 0914646972 ይደውሉ ለአዳዲስ መረጃ Telegram channel join ይበሉ ፦ Update Your Life...
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 3 supper slim 1
PlayStation 3 supper slim
17,000 ETB
PlayStation 3 supper slim 2 brand new Sony joystick jealbreak 7 game 09 00 46 14 86 m 6 month warranty G-Ps playstation...
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 4 pro jealbreak 1
PlayStation 4 pro jealbreak
46,000 ETB
G-Ps playstation አስመጪ playstation 4 pro model jealbreak more than 15 games 1 tera 4k graphics የመጨረሻው ps 4 model 2 original joystick best for home and game zone ንፁ እቃ ከሙሉ ዋስትና ጋር አድራሻ መገናኛ G-Ps playstation አስመጪ...
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 5 slim 1
PlayStation 5 slim
85,000 ETB
big discount ps 5 slim ለጌም ዞን ቢሉ ለቤት ምርጥ መዝናኛ በጣም ጥራት ያለው የ Sony የመጨረሻው PS 5 Playstation 5 slim - Ultra-Slim Design - Enhanced Graphics: 4K resolution - Fast Loading: 1 TB storage ultra high speed SSD - Ray Tracing Capabilities - High Frame Rates: 120fps for compatible games. - 3D AudioTech Elevate your play with the PS5 Slim - where less size delivers more game. GPS Electronics መገናኛ ይደውሉ 09 00 46 14 86 ዋስትና ያለው እቃ አቅራቢ...
Addis Ababa
የኮምፒውተር ጆይስቲክ Joystick computer joystick 4
የኮምፒውተር ጆይስቲክ Joystick computer joystick
1,500 ETB
ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው ጆይስቲክ የኮምፒውተር ጆይስቲክ ጠንካራ ዘላቂ controls and buttons Dual Vibration feedback joystick Computer Joystick Pc joystick Computer and pc Controller SoftTouch, easy grab button Plug and play, easy installation with no software required Analog + Digital Dual fighting setting. ስልክ 0900716156 Price 1500 birr...
Addis Ababa
ps4 original joystick 3
ps4 original joystick
2,499 ETB
The DualShock 4 features the following buttons: PS button, SHARE button, OPTIONS button, directional buttons, action buttons (triangle, circle, cross, square), shoulder buttons (R1/L1), triggers (R2/L2), analog stick click buttons (L3/R3), and a touch pad click button....
Addis Ababa
PlayStation 4 Slim 4
PlayStation 4 Slim
33,999 ETB
Ps4 PlayStation 4 dubai used Slim 500GB hard drive for all of greatest games. Tv music and more incredible journey 12 version With FC 24 and Call of Duty Installed and Car games with one original jiystics Call me if you want...
Addis Ababa