Shoes for sale & price in Ethiopia

shoes shelef 4
shoes shelef
4,000 ETB
36 pairs over the door shoe rack በቀላሉ የሚገጣጠም የሚነቃቀል ኑሮን የሚያቀል ቦታ የማይዝ ለአጠቃቀም በጣም ቀላል ባለ 12 መደርደሪያ 36 ጫማ የሚይዝ በር ላይ ተንጠልጣይ Size 50*20*183cm ዋጋ 4000 ብርውስን ፍሬ ነው ያለው call 0966935175...
Addis Ababa
Premium Quality Goretex Running Shoe / Trainer "Gel-Fujitrabuco 8 GTX" by ASICS 0
Premium Quality Goretex Running Shoe / Trainer "Gel-Fujitrabuco 8 GTX" by ASICS
17,500 ETB
Premium Quality Japanese Running Shoe Brand "ASICS" - rugged trail running shoe named "Gel-Fujitrabuco 8 GTX". Suitable for Rough terrain / Off-Road Condition - New & Unused Colour - All Black Goretex (GTX) - waterproof membrane Lightweight yet robust hard wearing design with excellent traction on any terrain. Extremely comfortable. Gel technology in rear foot area provides added shock absorbtion. See web screenshots for review and basic technical details. type in "GEL-FujiTrabuco 8 G-TX" into search engine for full technical specification. ( These are UK size 9.5 / EU size 44.5 / USA size 10.5 See photos attached. Price 17,500 ETB Collection from Lideta area only. No box...
Addis Ababa
shoe american imported 12
shoe american imported
7,000 ETB
american imported original shoe...
Addis Ababa
Original Roller skates shoes 1
Original Roller skates shoes
Original Roller skates shoes አስገብተናል ደውለው ይዘዙን ያሉበት አናደርሳለን። 0933179905 0907517858...
Addis Ababa
የስፖርት ጫማዎች 9
የስፖርት ጫማዎች
2,800 ETB
ሁሉንም አይነት የስፖርት ትጥቆች እኛጋ ያገኛሉ...
shoes 6
4,999 ETB
አዳዲስ ዉበት እና ምቾት ያላቸው ጫማዎች ከየትኛውም አይነት አለባበስ ጋር የሚለብሱት 0924442562 0777606969
Addis Ababa
sandel 1
2,000 ETB
yewend vip...
Addis Ababa
football shoes 2
football shoes
7,000 ETB
Adidas and Nike football shoes 41,42,43,44........
Addis Ababa
football fotsal shoes 6
football fotsal shoes
6,900 ETB
football fotsal shoes 40, 41, 42, 43......
Addis Ababa
dugana 3
3,500 ETB
dugana football shoes size 42...
Addis Ababa
football shoes soccer 4
football shoes soccer
6,900 ETB
quality football shoes 40,41,42,43...
Addis Ababa
puma footsal shoes 2
puma footsal shoes
8,300 ETB
from Spain available size 44.5...
Addis Ababa