Sami Electronics, Addis Ababa

Sami Electronics

sami electronics and computer @Samishops
Joined: Aug 17, 2023 | Views: 129,770 | Ads: 38 | Followers: 1 | Following: 1 |

MI 2K Security Camera 360° ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ Xiaomi Smart Camera C300 4
MI 2K Security Camera 360° ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ Xiaomi Smart Camera C300
6,200 ETB
MI 2K Security Camera 2K MI 360° camera xiaomi security camera Xiaomi Smart Camera C300 ለቤት እና ለንግድ ቦታ የሚያገለግል ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ በምሽት ለመቅረፅ የሚያስችል Night Vision ሴንሰሮች የተገጠሙለት በስልኮ ካሜራውን 360° ዲግሪ እያሽከረከሩ የሚፈልጉትን እይታ ማግኘት ይችላሉ የራሱ አላርም ሲስተም የተገጠመለት እንቅስቃሴ ባለበት ሰዓት ወደ ስልኮ መለእክት ይልካል እንዲሁም ባሉበት ሆነው የድምፅ መልዕክት ማስተላለፍ የሚያስችል Xiaomi mi Security camera 360° የሚሽከረከር አስደናቂ የ ቪዲዮ ጥራት ያለው Quality cctvcamera የትም ሆነው ስራዎትን በ security camera ይከታተሉ ስራ ቦታ ሆነው የልጅዎትን ውሎ መከታተል የሚችሉበት ሚሞሪ ካርድ መቀበል የሚችል ወይንም በስልክ አገናኝቶ የስልካችን ሚሞሪ ላይ የሚቀርፀውን ነገር ያስቀምጣል በአካባቢው እንቅሰቃሴ ሲኖርም ካሜራው በራሱ ጊዜ እንቅስቃሴ ወደአየበት አቅጣጫ ተከታትሎ እየተዟዟረ ይቀርፃል (Motion Detection) Indor/Outdor ለቤት ዉስጥ አና ለዉጪ የሚሆን For Android, PC & IOS ዋጋ - 6,200 ብር @samishops @samielectronicsofficial...
Addis Ababa
Wifi router 4G/5G Portable pocket router ዋይፋይ ራውተር 3
Wifi router 4G/5G Portable pocket router ዋይፋይ ራውተር
5,000 ETB
Toplink 4G/5G Wifi Router ዋይፋይ ራውተር Toplink 5G/4G wifi router ባትሪው አስተማማኝ 3000 mah አንዴ ቻርጅ ከተደረገ 12 ሰአት ሙሉ ይቆያል እስከ 12 ሰው ድረስ ባንድ ግዜ ማስጠቀም ያስችላል TOP-LINK 5G/4G wifi router Brand new original and packed including Free delivery Price 5,000 call 0900716156 @samishops @Samielectronicsofficial #5GEthiopia...
Addis Ababa
የኮምፒውተር ጆይስቲክ Joystick computer joystick 4
የኮምፒውተር ጆይስቲክ Joystick computer joystick
1,500 ETB
ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው ጆይስቲክ የኮምፒውተር ጆይስቲክ ጠንካራ ዘላቂ controls and buttons Dual Vibration feedback joystick Computer Joystick Pc joystick Computer and pc Controller SoftTouch, easy grab button Plug and play, easy installation with no software required Analog + Digital Dual fighting setting. ስልክ 0900716156 Price 1500 birr...
Addis Ababa
D-Link 4G Wifi Router 2
D-Link 4G Wifi Router
4,700 ETB
ዋይፋይ ራውተር ተፈላጊው ብራንድ dlink 4G wifi router የራውተሮች ሁሉ ቁንጮ ባትሪው አስተማማኝ 3000 mah አንዴ ቻርጅ ከተደረገ 12 ሰአት ሙሉ ይቆያል እስከ 10 ሰው ድረስ ባንድ ግዜ ማስጠቀም ያስችላል D-Link DWR 930M 4G wifi router Brand new original and packed including Free delivery call 0900716156...
Addis Ababa
ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ ባለ አምፖል የደህንነት ካሜራ Security camera CCTV 360 Rotating 3
ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ ባለ አምፖል የደህንነት ካሜራ Security camera CCTV 360 Rotating
3,500 ETB
ባለ አምፖል የደህንነት ካሜራ ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ Rotating bulb security camera 360° High quality works with V380 app የካሜራውን lens በ ስልክዎ ወደ ፈለጉት አቅጣጫ 360 degree እያዟዟሩ ማየት ሚያስችል ከዚህ በኃላ ልጄ ምን ሆነ ንብረቴ ምን ሆኖ ይሆን ብሎ መጨነቅ ቀረ! በማታ ይቀርፃል። በምሽት አጥርቶ እንዲያሳይ ተደርጎ የተሰራ (night smart vision camera) ስራ ቦታ ሆነው እንዲሁም ከአገር ውጪም ሆነው የልጅዎትን እና የቤትዎትን ውሎ መከታተል የሚችሉበት 360 degree security cameras እንቅሰቃሴ በሚኖርበት ጊዜ ካሜራው እንቅስቃሴ ወደ አየበት አቅጣጫ ተከታትሎ ራሱ የሚዟዟር ቤት፣ቢሮ፣ሱቅ፣ድርጅት መቆጣጠር የፈለጉትን እንቅስቃሴ በዘመናዊ መልኩ ፈታ ዘና ብለዉ ካሉበት ሆነው የሚቆጣጠሩበት ሚሞሪ ካርድ የሚቀበል የትም ሆነው መልዕክት ማስተላለፍ የሚችሉበት (የሚነጋገሩበት) የራሱ ማይክ እና ስፒከር ያለው ድምፅ እና ቪዲዮ ይቀዳል እንቅስቃሴ ባለበት ሰዓት ወደ ስልኮ text ይልካል እንዲሁም ያየውን ነገር በvideo ወደ ስልኮ ይልካል (during activities it send quick Notification) ባለ አምፖል የደህንነት ካሜራ ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ Price 3,500 0900716156 @Samishops @samielectronics1...
Addis Ababa
Apple Watch Ultra USA Edition Orginal New 4
Apple Watch Ultra USA Edition Orginal New
4,900 ETB
APPLE WATCH ULTRA USA EDITION GPS+COMPASS 1:1 BT CALLING 2023:* OLED DISPLAY 1:1 ORIGINAL PACKING *APPLE ON / OFF LOGO* *Always-On Display* •Night mode ,* *Vibration mode, Body* *temperature * *Pedometer*/ Sleep Monitor / Deep Sleep - Light Sleep Monitoring Night Mode *Heart Sensor With 24/7 Monitoring* / Blood Pressure / Heart Beat Pulse Count *Fitness Mode* With Different Sports Category To Calculate Heart Beat / Calorie Burnt / Step Count *BT Calling / BT Music / BT Camera / Phone Book / Call Log* *Dialer* / Call Logs / Alarm / Message / Notification / Calendar / Sedantry Reminder • *Motion Sensor* Flip To Mute Incoming Call Flip To Mute Alarm WAKE UP GESTURE Anti Lost / Vibration Alert Charging Time Upto 2 Hours ( Fast Charging Support ) C-TYPE WIRELESS POWER CHARGING CABLEFREE DELIVERY (ቤትዎ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን) PRICE 4,900 CONTACT US 0900716156 @Samishops @samielectronics1...
Addis Ababa
Smart watch ስማርት ሰአት 3
Smart watch ስማርት ሰአት
2,000 ETB
Smart Watch and Airpod Pro ስማርት ሰአት smart watch W 26 Pro Max Special Smart Watch + plus Airpod smart watch w26 a great and affordable smart watch designed for active life. Full Touch Screen Full Screen 1.75 Inch Display Support Bluetooth Calling Music & Camera Remote Control Body temperature Measurement Heart Rate Tracker Monitor Blood Pressure Charger: Magnetic pin charger Battery: 28Air Belt removable Metallic aluminum body CONTACT US 0900716156 2,000 birr For variety of items Our Telegram Channel
Addis Ababa
Wireless Keyboard And Mouse ኪቦርድና ማውዝ 3
Wireless Keyboard And Mouse ኪቦርድና ማውዝ
2,500 ETB
GKM 520 Wireless Keyboard And Mouse ኪቦርድና ማውዝ keyboard and mouse Item Type: Wireless Keyboard Mouse Receiver: Nano Size: (Approx.)Keyboard Dimension: 430x155x25mm; Mouse Dimension: 120x60x25mm Signal.2.4GHZ Interface: Wireless, RF 2.4 G Mouse Button: DPI DPI: 1000-1200DPI Frequency: 2402MHz - 2480MHz Keyboard Power Supply: 2 x AAA batteries (not include) Mouse Power Supply: 2 x AAA batteries (not include) Suitable scope: Desktops and Laptops Compatible with: Windows 98/2000/XP/ Vista /Win7/ Win8/Mac operating system, etc. Note: The receiver is in the back of the keyboard in the battery compartment. Price : 2000 birr Additionally #Free #delivery በነፃ እቤቶ ድረስ እናደርሳለን ለተጨማሪ ዕቃዎች ፣ ሸቀጦችና ምርቶች #wirelesskeyboard #wirelessmouse0900716156 @samishops @samielectronicsofficial...
Addis Ababa
Headphone with Mic ለኢንተርኔት ቤቶች የሚሆን ባለማይክ ሄድፎን Wired Headset 5
Headphone with Mic ለኢንተርኔት ቤቶች የሚሆን ባለማይክ ሄድፎን Wired Headset
1,500 ETB
Headphone with Mic ለኢንተርኔት ቤቶች የሚሆን ባለማይክ ሄድፎን Wired Headset WeiLe WL360MV Wired Stereo Headset Headphone with Mic for Phone, PC, Laptop. Has noise cancelling & crisp sound ለኢንተርኔት ቤቶች የሚሆን እንዲሁም ለጌመሮች የሚሆን የራሱ ማይክ ያለዉ አሪፍ ሄድፎን ማይኩን በፈለጉት አቅጣጫ ከፍ ዝቅ እያረጉ መጠቀም ይችላሉ Brand Name Weile Model Name Headset Color Silver Headphones Form Factor Over Ear Connectivity Technology Wired Special Features Flexible And Adjustable Special Microphone Included Included Components Cable, Material Leather, Plastic, Metal Specific Uses For Product gaming headset And internet cafe services headphone Gaming Headphone Internet Service Headphone Price 1,500 birr 0900716156 @Samishops...
Addis Ababa
LAPTOP COOLER የላፕቶፕ ማስቀመጫና ማቀዝቀዣ ፋን laptop cooling pad 7
LAPTOP COOLER የላፕቶፕ ማስቀመጫና ማቀዝቀዣ ፋን laptop cooling pad
3,000 ETB
LAPTOP COOLER AND STAND Laptop fan laptop cooling pad laptop stand with two fan Adjustable Laptop Stand with cooling fan This is for Laptop Notebook And MacBook Designed to perfection Comes with Unparalleled performance 2 USB port & On off switch. LED LIGHT በውድ ብር የገዙትን ላፕቶፕ እድሜ ያርዝሙ! የላፕቶፕ ማስቀመጫና ማቀዝቀዣ ፋን በአንድላይ ለሁሉም የላፕቶፕ አይነትና መጠን የሚሆን በፈለጉት ቦታ የሚጠቀሙት ( አልጋ ላይ፣ ቢሮ ውስጥ) በጣም ቀላልና ይዞ ለመንቀሳቀስ የማይከብድ ሁለት Usb መሰኪያ ያለው በአይናችንና በላፕቶፓችን መሀል በቂ ርቀት የሚፈጥር. በUSB cable ከላፕቶፑ ጋር የሚገናኝ። ላፕቶፕዎን ለማስቀመጥ እጅግ አመቺ እና በተለያየ Angle, ማስቀመጥ ይችላሉ። price : 2000 birr Inbox @samishops Call 0900716156 ይደውሉ ያሉበት ቦታ በነፃ እናደርሳለን Join us for more items አዳዲስ እቃዎች ሲመጡ እንዲደርስዎ የቴሌግራም ቻናላችን ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ
Addis Ababa
D-Link Battery የዲሊንክ ባትሪ Dlink 4G Wifi Router Battery ዋይፋይ ራውተር ባትሪ 5
D-Link Battery የዲሊንክ ባትሪ Dlink 4G Wifi Router Battery ዋይፋይ ራውተር ባትሪ
1,800 ETB
Dlink 4G Wifi Router Battery D-Link Battery የዲሊንክ ባትሪ ማንኛውም የ ዲሊንክ ባትሪ አለን inbox ዋይፋይ ራውተር ባትሪ ተፈላጊው ብራንድ dlink 4G wifi router Battery ባትሪው አስተማማኝ 3000 mah አንዴ ቻርጅ ከተደረገ 12 ሰአት ሙሉ ይቆያል D-Link DWR 930M 4G wifi router Battery Brand new original and packed Price 1,800 birr call 0900716156...
Addis Ababa
Apple Airpod Pro 2 Orginal አፕል ኤርፓድ ፕሮ 2 4
Apple Airpod Pro 2 Orginal አፕል ኤርፓድ ፕሮ 2
1,700 ETB
Airpod pro (2nd Generation) Orginal Apple AirPods Pro 2 Apple Airpod Pro 2 Orginal አፕል ኤርፓድ ፕሮ 2 አዲስ እና ኦርጅናል የሆነ Brand New packed Made in USA brand new original airpodsFunctionality Compatibility: iOS, Android One touch to switch previous/next song & pause / play high quality sound Active noise cancellation fast charging 6 hours battery time Large capacity charging box(cabin) authomatic pairing water proof Price 1,700 birr Free delivery in Addis Ababa 0900716156 @samishops @Samielectronics1...
Addis Ababa
joystick PS4 joystick የፕሌስቴሽን ጆይስቲክ PS4 controller 4
joystick PS4 joystick የፕሌስቴሽን ጆይስቲክ PS4 controller
2,700 ETB
PlayStation 4 Joystick Ps4 joystick Playstation controller joystick Brand New packed Wireless PS4 joystick ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው ጆይስቲክ የፕሌስቴሽን ጆይስቲክ ጠንካራ ዘላቂ controls and buttons Dual Shock Vibration feedback joystick Playstation 4 Joystick PS4 joystick Playstation Controller SoftTouch, easy grab button Plug and play ስልክ 0900716156 Price 2,700 birr @Samishops...
Addis Ababa
TYPE C to HDTv convertor 8 in 1 multi convertor8in1 USB HUB Adapter ማራዘሚያ 4
TYPE C to HDTv convertor 8 in 1 multi convertor8in1 USB HUB Adapter ማራዘሚያ
2,500 ETB
TYPE C to HDTv convertor 8 in 1 multi convertor 8in1 USB HUB Adapter Type C to HD Tv 8 in 1 converter USB divider Type C hub Type C converter Usb converter Multi Connecter Hub USB connector hub USB hub Adapter mobile to laptop laptop to TV mobile to TV Support SD Card, TF card, USB support RJ 45 wired internet connection support up to 87W charging 4k resolution output supported device Smartphones, USB Flash Drives, Projectors, Mouse, Keyboards, Monitors, Laptops, Card Readers, Televisions USB Hub 8 in 1 USB C HUB, 8 in 1 USB C Adapter with 4K HDMI, 100W PD, USB C Port, USB 3.0, RJ45 Ethernet, SD/TF Card Reader, Docking Station Compatible with Type C Devices Price 25000900716156 @samishops @samielectronicsofficial #usbhub #usbchub...
Addis Ababa
Mouse Pad ማውዝ ፓድ 4
Mouse Pad ማውዝ ፓድ
800 ETB
Mouse Pad Gaming Mouse Pad Medium Sized Mouse Pad ማውዝ ፓድ መካከለኛ እርዝማኔ ያለው ማውዝ ፓድ ለእይታ ሳቢ እንዲሁም ላጠቃቀም አመቺ Medium Surface Area - Fits Keyboard and Mouse, with plenty of room for movement and also features a hard micro textured finish that improves your accuracy and speed Durable and smooth surface provides long periods of comfortably playing games. Easy to wipe off dust or clean. Unleash your cursor's inner speed demon on this buttery-smooth, ergonomically designed mousepad! Ditch desk drag, work in comfort. Precision control meets easy cleaning. Click, glide, and conquer your workspace! 0900716156...
Addis Ababa
WiFi Router Tana C01 4G LTE Wifi Modem ዋይፋይ ራውተር 1
WiFi Router Tana C01 4G LTE Wifi Modem ዋይፋይ ራውተር
4,500 ETB
Tana C01 4G LTE Wifi Modem • 4G LTE High-speed Mobile Hotspot. • Can connect up to 12 devices. • Fast download speeds • With LCD Screen. High Performance Battery with 3000 mAh. ዋይፋይ ራውተር ባትሪው አስተማማኝ 3000 mah አንዴ ቻርጅ ከተደረገ 12 ሰአት ሙሉ ይቆያል እስከ 12 ሰው ድረስ ባንድ ግዜ ማስጠቀም ያስችላል Brand new original and packed Price 4,500 call 0900716156 @samishops @Samielectronicsofficial...
Addis Ababa
