Go pro Hero 10 camera for sale & price in Ethiopia
Price : 35,000.00 ETB
- Posted
4 hours ago - Condition
GoPro HERO 10 1️⃣0️⃣
23MP GP2 Chip with Improved Performance
5.3K60/4K120/2.7K240 Video, 23MP Photos
New Front Display/Rear Touchscreen
Cloud Connected, 1080p Live Streaming
Enhanced Low-Light Performance
HyperSmooth 4.0 Image Stabilization
33' Waterproof without a Housing
Time-Lapse & Night-Lapse, 8x Slo-Mo
• Built-In Flip-Out 2-Prong Mount
• 1720mAh Capacity Battery
#PRICE 35,000 BIRR
“We only sell genuine and Packed products
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23MP GP2 Chip with Improved Performance
5.3K60/4K120/2.7K240 Video, 23MP Photos
New Front Display/Rear Touchscreen
Cloud Connected, 1080p Live Streaming
Enhanced Low-Light Performance
HyperSmooth 4.0 Image Stabilization
33' Waterproof without a Housing
Time-Lapse & Night-Lapse, 8x Slo-Mo
• Built-In Flip-Out 2-Prong Mount
• 1720mAh Capacity Battery
#PRICE 35,000 BIRR
“We only sell genuine and Packed products
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ቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ይቀላቀሉ
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Azemi Computer and Mobile Last seen 2 days ago
Registered 2 years ago - Visit Seller's Page
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Addis Ababa
security camera 360°
7,500 ETB
Rotating bulb security camera 360° High quality works with V380 app የካሜራውን lens በ ስልክዎ ወደ ፈለጉት አቅጣጫ 360 degree እያዟዟሩ ማየት ሚያስችል ከዚህ በኃላ ልጄ ምን ሆነ ንብረቴ ምን ሆኖ ይሆን ብሎ መጨነቅ ቀረ! በማታ ይቀርፃል። በምሽት አጥርቶ እንዲያሳይ ተደርጎ የተሰራ (night smart vision camera) ስራ ቦታ ሆነው እንዲሁም ከአገር ውጪም ሆነው የልጅዎትን እና የቤትዎትን ውሎ መከታተል የሚችሉበት 360 degree security cameras እንቅሰቃሴ በሚኖርበት ጊዜ ካሜራው እንቅስቃሴ ወደአየበት አቅጣጫ ተከታትሎ ራሱ የሚዟዟር ቤት፣ቢሮ፣ሱቅ፣ድርጅት መቆጣጠር የፈለጉትን እንቅስቃሴ በዘመናዊ መልኩ ፈታ ዘና ብለዉ ካሉበት ሆነው የሚቆጣጠሩበት ሚሞሪ ካርድ የሚቀበል የትም ሆነው መልዕክት ማስተላለፍ የሚችሉበት (የሚነጋገሩበት) የራሱ ማይክ እና ስፒከር ያለው ድምፅ እና ቪዲዮ ይቀዳል እንቅስቃሴ ባለበት ሰዓት ወደ ስልኮ text ይልካል እንዲሁም ያየውን ነገር በvideo ወደ ስልኮ ይልካል (during activities it send quick notifications) ዋጋ- 7000ብር 0928677184 09-28-67-71-84 ያለተጨማሪ ክፍያ ያሉበት ድረስ እናመጣለን...
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Memory Card for Camera 32,64,128 256 GB
1,200 ETB
Speed 32 GB (120) 64,128 & 256 GB (140) " 32 * GB 1200 ብር 64 * GB 1700 ብር 128 * GB 2300 ብር 256* GB 3500 ብር Take better pictures and Full HD videos with your compact to mid-range point-and-shoot cameras. *...
Addis Ababa
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM LensHighlights• 30.4MP Full-Fr
310,000 ETB
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canon eos 760D
72,000 ETB
Canon eos 760D Sensor: 24.2MP APS-C CMOS sensor Processor: DIGIC 6 Autofocus: 19-point all cross-type AF system ISO Range: 100-12,800 (expandable to 25,600) Continuous Shooting: 5 fps Video: Full HD 1080p at 30 fps Display: 3-inch Vari-angle touchscreen LCD Viewfinder: Optical pentamirror with 95% coverage Connectivity: Wi-Fi & NFC Battery Life: Approx. 440 shots per charge (LP-E17 battery) Price 72,000birr...
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Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera and versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM lens 24.1 MP, APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel CMOS 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 60 fps Up to 6 fps Shooting and ISO 51200 Bluetooth ®, Wi-Fi, 4K movies, Vari-Angle touchscreen Capture beautifully detailed photos and stunning 4K movies with a light weight ...
Addis Ababa
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IVGENUINE with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM LensHighlights• 30.4MP
299,000 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV GENUINE with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens call በ +251993232233...
Addis Ababa
Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera and versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM lens 24.1 MP, APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel CMOS 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 60 fps Up to 6 fps Shooting and ISO 51200 Bluetooth ®, Wi-Fi, 4K movies, Vari-Angle touchscreen Capture beautifully detailed photos and stunning 4K movies with a light weight ...
Addis Ababa
Dawit Sisay
Azemi Computer and Mobile
Go pro Hero 10
35,000 ETB
GoPro HERO 10 1⃣0⃣ Highlights 23MP GP2 Chip with Improved Performance 5.3K60/4K120/2.7K240 Video, 23MP Photos New Front Display/Rear Touchscreen Cloud Connected, 1080p Live Streaming Enhanced Low-Light Performance HyperSmooth 4.0 Image Stabilization 33' Waterproof without a Housing Time-Lapse & Night-Lapse, 8x Slo-Mo • Built-In Flip-Out 2-Prong Mount • 1720mAh Capacity Battery #PRICE 35,000 BIRR “We only sell genuine and Packed products Call +251940399899 +251912623066 ቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ይቀላቀሉ Join https://t.me/Amanuelno17 Inbox @aazemi ለአጭር መልዕክት...
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
canon 5D mark iv
295,000 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens...
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
New canon 5D mark iv
185,000 ETB
New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm mark ii Lens Lens hood and with all accessories Specification 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor DIGIC 6+ Image Processor 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab 61-Point High Density Reticular AF Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC EF 24-105mm mark ii f2.8 Lens...
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Canon EOS 800D Digital Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D Digital SLR with 18-55 is STM Lens Black International Model...
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Canon EOS 760D Camera
72,000 ETB
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Nikon 3100 DSLR CAMERA
18,500 ETB
Nikon 3100 DSLR CAMERA 18-55mm lens f/3.5-5.6 14-megapixel CMOS DX Sensor Capture beautiful pictures and amazing Full HD 1080p movies with sound and full-time autofocus. Capture 3 frames per second for fast action shooting. Capture pictures and make movies in near darkness with an ISO range of 100 to 3200 (expandable to 12800-Hi2). Price.....18500Birr ...
Addis Ababa
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM LensHighlights• 30.4MP Full-Fr
287,000 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens Price: 287,000 Birr በ +251993232233 ይደውሉ...
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
Canon 5D mark iv
295,000 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens Price 295000...
Addis Ababa
Canon CN-E 14mm T3.1 L F Cinema Prime Lens (EF Mount)Highlights• Ultra Wide-Angle Cine Le
292,000 ETB
Canon CN-E 14mm T3.1 L F Cinema Prime Lens (EF Mount) Highlights • Ultra Wide-Angle Cine Lens • Covers Full Frame & Super 35 Sensors • T3.1 Maximum Aperture • 11-Blade Iris • Breathing Minimized Virtually to Zero • Dual Focus Markings • Stepless 300° Focus Rotation •Same Gear Positions as Other CN-E Models • Dust and Water Resistant Housing Address: Bole Medhanialem, Bati Complex call 0993232233...
Addis Ababa
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM LensHighlights• 30.4MP Full-Fr
287,500 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens Price: 287,000 Birr Phone +251993232233 Inbox @Gech...
Addis Ababa
Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera and versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM lens 24.1 MP, APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel CMOS 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 60 fps Up to 6 fps Shooting and ISO 51200 Bluetooth ®, Wi-Fi, 4K movies, Vari-Angle touchscreen Capture beautifully detailed photos and stunning 4K movies with a light weight...
Addis Ababa
Hi Tech
HP Elitebook 840 G5
41,500 ETB
Hp Elitebook 840 G5 Intel Core i5-8th Generation Octa-Core processor 512gb SSD storage 8GB DDR4 RAM Edge to edge screen with IPS display 14.1" inch screen with FULL HD resolution Ultra-slim Silver color 10pc Available Price 42,000Birr ይደዉሉ 0977858670 0974400046...
Intel Core i5
8th Gen
8GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
Ikru Technology
Ja Computer Store
HP Elitebook 840 G7
69,999 ETB
Hp elitebook 840 G7 Processor - Intel core i7 Generation - 10th generation Storage- 512gb SSD (10x faster) Ram - 16gb DDR4 ram Screen - 14.1 inch wide screen Graphics - Intel hd graphics Full HD (1920*1080) white keyboard backlit Aluminum body Stylish and elegant Battery - 6hrs and above @ja_e_24 ለአጭር መልእክት ይደዉሉ 0943-4680-63 0703-8415-32 "Building Digital Bridge"...
Intel Core i7
10th Gen
16GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
GORDAK 952 Blower New Packed
9,000 ETB
Free Delivery + * ለሞባይል ጥገና እና ለተለያዩ ኤሌክትሮኒክስ እቃዎችን ለመጠገን እጅግ ተመራጭ ብራንድ...
Addis Ababa
Ethio Mobiles & Laptops
Samsung Fold 3 5G 256GB RAM 12GB Dual from Germany
58,000 ETB
Samsung Fold 3 5G 256GB RAM 12GB Dual from Germany...
12GB Ram
Dual Sim
Addis Ababa
High Tech Computer
Epson projector X51 projdctor
76,000 ETB
Brand New EPSON Projector With manual CD and cartoon Model name: EB -X51 Hardware interface: VGA, USB, HDMI Lamp Life Expectancy 5,000 / 12,000 Hours (Normal /Eco) Mounting type: Floor Mount, Tabletop Mount Brand: Epson Brightness:.3800 ANSI Lumen Up to 300 inchs lamp life Controller type: Button Control Display resolution: 1024 x 768 Item weight: 2.4 Grams Light source wattage: 200 Watts price 77,000 አዳዲስ እና በመጠኑ ያገለገሉ ኮምፒተረሮችን እንዲሁም ስልኮችን እንገዛለን እንሸጣለን። ይዘዉ ይምጡ ይዘዉም ይሒዱ። እናመሰግናለን!!! Call 0936459798 0940164933...
Addis Ababa
4,000 ETB
VAPE and VAPE OILreliable vapes with different brandsrechargeable and disposable vapes and also vape oils renova zero- rechargeable vape 4000youto thanos- disposable vape with 5000 puffs- 3700 Tugboat-3800 vape juice- 60ml vape oils with different flavors- 2500 •Banana ice flavor •Orange •Hummy melon •Mango ice WITH FREE DELIVERY+251928677184...
Addis Ababa
Melese Birhanu
New Hp Elitebook 850 G7
59,500 ETB
New coming Brand new discount price Hp elitebook 850 G7 512 GB SSD 16gb installed memory 10th generation Intel core i5 15.6 inch screen size FullHD resolution Keyboard light has sim and ssd slot Price... 59,500etb Call...
Addis Ababa
Azemi Computer and Mobile
Samsung Galaxy M23 5G
16,500 ETB
SAMSUNG GALAXY M23 5G BRAND NEW - -100% ORIGINAL -128GB Storage -4GB RAM -Color Black -1 Year Full Warranty Price 16,500 “We only sell genuine and Packed products Call +251940399899 +251912623066 ቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ይቀላቀሉ Join https://t.me/Amanuelno17 Inbox @aazemi ለአጭር መልዕክት...
Addis Ababa
Ethio Mobiles & Laptops
Nokia 5G 128GB RAM 4GB brand new
23,500 ETB
Nokia 5G 128GB RAM 4GB brand new...
4GB Ram
Dual Sim
Addis Ababa
macbook air M1 2020 .Apple M1 chip with 8‑core CPU, 7‑core GPU, and 16‑core Neural Engine
95,000 ETB
macbook air M1 2020 .Apple M1 chip with 8‑core CPU, 7‑core GPU, and 16‑core Neural Engine .8GB RAM .256GB SSD storage¹ .Retina display with True Tone .Touch ID . .Two Thunderbolt Price 75000 birr call 0993232233...
Apple M1
8GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
Amen Mobile Store
New Samsung Galaxy M15 5G
22,700 ETB
Samsung Galaxy M15 5GStorage - 128 GB Ram - 6 GB Battery - 6000 mAH Dual Sim - (2 ሲም ካርድ)PRICE -23,500 ETB #samsungphone የ ቴሌግራም ግሩፖችን ቤተሰብ በመሆን የ ልዮ ቅናሸ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ፡፡ Contact us0938231723 Telegram Channel Link https://t.me/Amenmobilestore መገናኛ ማራቶን ሕንፃ...
6GB Ram
Dual Sim
Addis Ababa
Amen Mobile Store
36,000 ETB
Samsung GALAXY S20 Ultra 5GStorage - 256 GB Ram - 12 GB Camera - 108 MP Battery - 5000 mAH #samsungphone የ ቴሌግራም ግሩፖችን ቤተሰብ በመሆን የ ልዮ ቅናሸ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ፡፡ Contact us0921728550 Telegram Channel Link https://t.me/Amenmobilestore መገናኛ ማራቶን ሕንፃ...
12GB Ram
Single Sim
Addis Ababa
Samsung galaxy M13 phone
16,000 ETB
Samsung galaxy M13 storage 128gb 6gb ram battery 6000 dual sim price 14000 birr For additional information Call 0945033090...
6GB Ram
Dual Sim
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
Dell optiplex 790
21,500 ETB
New Arrival Dell Optiplex Core i5 790SFF(Small Form Factor Business Desktop) (with full accessories ) 19" inch Square HD screen Core i5 500GB Hdd 4GB Ram 3.1 processor speed Intel HD Graphics Windows 10 pro many pcs available inour stock Price , 13,000 birr ብዛት ለሚወስዱ Negotiable ነው price...
Intel Core i5
4GB Ram
19 inch
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
hp elitebook 840 G3
27,500 ETB
Hp core i5 elitebook 840 G3 750gb hard disk drive + 266GB ssd 8gb installed memory 6th generation Intel core i5 14.1 inch screen size FullHD resolution has sim and ssd slot Price... 27,500etb...
Intel Core i5
6th Gen
8GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
Ikru Technology
Dell 3060/5060
46,000 ETB
Dell Desktop 3060/ 5060 1tb storage /8gb ram can be upgraded 19 inch wide screen ...
Intel Core i5
8GB Ram
19 inch
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
HP elite book 840 G3
34,500 ETB
Hp elitebook 840 G3 Intel Core i7 6th generation 500Gb HDD +256gb ssd storage 8gb installed memory 6th generation 14.1 inch screen size FullHD resolution Keyboard light has sim and ssd slot 2 piece Available Price... 34500etb...
Intel Core i7
6th Gen
8GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
Temer Properties
Temer Real Estate Apartment for sales
4,900,000 ETB
በ 35% ቅናሽ ቤቶን ይግዙ 80% በደረሱ ሳይቶቻችን የ ቤቶን ያለምንም ዋጋ ጭማሪ በብር ብቻ ይግዙ! 0913458924 በቃላችን መገኘት 6 ጊዜ የምንታወቅበት በአያት፣ በአጠና ተራ፣ በለቡ 2ሳይት፣ በአራት ኪሎና በላፍቶ በታማኝነት አስረክበናል ። አሁን ደግሞ 6 ፕሮጀክቶችን ሰርቶ ለማስረከብ እየገነባ ይገኛል ማለትም ከስቱድዮ እስከ ባለ 3 ሶስት መኝታ በሳርቤት በፒያሳ በአያት በሶማሌ ተራ በሀይሌ ጋርመንት ፒያሳ ሊሴ መኖሪያ ቤቶች 46 ካሬ ሜትር እስከ 214 ካሬ ሜትር የንግድ ሱቆች ከ 10 ካሬ - እስከ 175 ካሬ ልዩ የሚያደርገን ጥራቱን የጠበቀ ግንባታ መገንባታችን የ ተመረጡ ቦታዎች ላይ በ አጭር ግዜ ማስረከባችን ትልቅ ቅናሽ መስጠታችን ሰፊ የቤት አማራጭ በቂ የሆነ የመኪና ፓርኪንግ የከርሰ ምድር ውሀ የወጣለት በቂ የልጆች መጫወቻ ያለው ለከተማ ቅርብ የደህንነት ስጋት የማያሳስቦት ቀጠሮ ለማስያዝ ይደውሉልን +251913458924 +251983444354...
Under Construction
3 Bedroom
Temer Real Estate
75 - 93m² m²
5th Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
5,600,000 ETB
Make: Hyundai Model: Creta Year:2024 Body Type: SUV Engine: 4Cyl.1.5L 113HP Drive Type: FWD/2WD Top Speed: 195KM/H Fuel: Petrol Transmission: Automatic(CVT) Gas Mileage: 17Km/L Color: Silver @ Black Roof Mileage: 00 km Plate No: Brand New Condition: Brand New Full Option Panaromic Sunroof Features: Air conditioning Cruise control Parking sensor rear Power windows USB Ports Multimedia Power Streeing Rear Towing Hook Aadjustable Driver Seat Fog lights Roof rails Spoiler Airbags (front and side) LED headlights Traction control Push Start/Stop Engine Button Auto Hand Brake Auto Side Mirror Panoramic Roof Fully digital gauge Leatherette LED headlamps and Taillights 8 Inch touchscreen head unit Apple CarPlay Android Auto 360°Camera Price....5.6 Million ETB Commission....2% 0983165352 ማንኛውም መኪና መሸጥ፣መግዛት እንዲሁም መቀየር ሲያስፈልግዎ፤ይደውሉ :: https://t.me/LOYALCARMARKET...
Addis Ababa
Jael mart
Eucerin antipigment dual serum
7,500 ETB
Eucerin Anti pigment Dual serum It is dual serum with Thiamidol and Hyaluronic Acid It effectively reduces pigment spots and prevents their re-appearance Thiamidol is dermatologically proven to reduce dark spots and prevent their re-appearance. The hyaluronric acid helps retain moisture and provides hydration to our skin It brightens dark spot and even out skin tone Contact @Ruthamare Call us using 0911368572...
Addis Ababa
Our Design
Modern kitchen cabinet
24,500 ETB
ለቤቶ ግርማ ሞገስን የሜላብሱ ጥራት ያላቸውን ኪችን ካቢኔት በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ አቅርበንሎታል። ልብ ይበሉ ከ 3 - 4 ቀናቶች ውስጥ ሰርተን እናስረክባለን 0912413303 ለማዘዝ በቴሌግራም በውስጥ ያዋሩን @pitera2415 አማራጮችን ለማግኘት ቻናላችንን ይመልከቱ Our channel link https://t.me/mpfur2314...
Home and Office
Addis Ababa
Muluken Bekele
Hard Special edition
7,299 ETB
Zara 80ml special edition Hard box packaging For her Price = 7,300 birr 0969598552 0925701373...
Addis Ababa
Jael mart
2,000 ETB
Nutella From HAZENUT SPREAD WITH COCOA Cntains milk, soya 950 gm Free from artificial colors 0911368572 Text @Ruthamare We have delivery...
Addis Ababa
የሚሸጥ ኮንዶሚኒየም
6,400,000 ETB
የሚሸጥ ኮንዶሚኒየም ቦታ የካ አባዶ ባለ 2መኝታ 2ኛ ፎቅ ላይ በዘመናዊ መልኩ የተሠራ የተመቻቸ መኪና ማቆሚያ ያለው አስፋልት ዳር ላይ 73ካሬ ሜትር መሸጫ ዋጋ 6,400,000 ሺህ ብር ለበለጠ መረጃ 0902404049 ለባንክ ይሆናል...
2 Bedroom
51 - 73m² m²
የካ አባዶ ኮንዶሚኒየም
2nd Floor
1 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
የሚሸጥ ቪላ ቤት villa for sale gelan
5,000,000 ETB
የሚሸጥ ቤት የቦታው ስፋት 140 ካሬ 4 መኝታ 1 ክችን 1 ሳሎን 2 ባኞ የግቢው ስፋት ሁለት መኪና የሚዝ አድራሻ ገላን ከተማ...
4 Bedroom
150m² m²
Ground Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Moon & Star Shape Led light
2,400 ETB
Moon & Star Shape Led light High quality long lasting cable 138 Led lights 220v power plug...
Addis Ababa
BMj Commission
BYD Build your Dreams Seagull 2024 EV
2,800,000 ETB
Brand BYD seagullManufacturer : BYD AutoLayout : front motor front wheel driveBody Style : 5 Door HatchbackElectric : BYD magnet SynchronousPower out put : 55kw( 74hp )Battery : 38.88kwhElectric Range: 405km Price...........2,650,000 birr Commission .......2% Call........0912838034 https://t.me/bmjcar...
Original Left
Addis Ababa
Neja electronics00
VICTORY REFRIGERATOR 400s free deliver
43,000 ETB
VICTORY REFRIGERATOR 400size net 350LSize 205 net litter 138LNo frostcondensersmart cooling10 years warranty for comperessor new price 250s 200L 30,000 birr ,,,,,,,,,,400s 350L 43,000 birr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,355m 37,500 birr ;;;;;;;;; እደ እቃ አይነት እናደርሳለንሁሉም እቃዎቻችን የተረጋገጠ ዋስትና አላቸዉ ስልክ +251944298989 ...
Addis Ababa
Kasa car market
Make:Toyota Model:Corolla Year:2010Engine:1.6 LFuel:BenzineTransmission:AutomaticOriginal
2,050,000 ETB
Make:Toyota Model:Corolla Year:2010 Engine:1.6 L Fuel:Benzine Transmission:Automatic Original left hand drive Plate number:code2*** Condition:-Excellent Price: 2,300,000 Birr Negotiable Commission:2% Contact-0912106997 https://t.me/kasacarsmarket...
Original Left
Addis Ababa
ቦሌ ሀርመኒ ሆቴል 3bedroom luxury apartment
31,000,000 ETB
- ቦሌ : ሀርመኒ ሆቴል ° 31,999,000 - 3 Beds / 2 Baths / Store / 8F / 182sqm - #ቤቱ የሚገኘው ቦሌ ኤድናሞል ሀርመኒ ሆቴል አካባቢ ነው። ቤቱ ያለበት ህንፃ G+12 ሆኖ የተሰራ ሲሆን በውስጡ Smart doors ፣ Smart Elivetor ፣ Green Terace ፣ የስብሰባ አዳራሽ ፣ መአድ ቤት ፣ spa and gym ለነዋሪዎች በጋራ መገልገያነት ይዛል። የመከራየት አቅሙ አካባቢው ላይ ያሉትን ቤቶች ካየን $2,500 የመከራየት አቅም አላቸው። ቤቱ ለመረከብ 1 ወር ከ15 ቀን ብቻ ነው የ...
3 Bedroom
151 - 249m² m²
ቦሌ ሀርመኒ ሆቴል
8th Floor
3 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
የሚሸጥ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም
3,500,000 ETB
የሚሸጥ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም ቦታ አያት ባለ2 መኝታ 78 ካሬ ሜትር አስፋልት ዳር ላይ የተመቻቸ መኪና ማቆሚያ ያለው ለመኖሪያ ምቹ የሆነ አካባቢ አስፋልት ዳር ላይ ሊፍት እየተገጠመ ያለው 9ኛ ፎቅ ላይ ቀሪ እዳ 500,000 ሺህ ብር መሸጫ ዋጋ 3,500,000 ሺህ ብር...
2 Bedroom
75 - 93m² m²
9th Floor
1 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
በመሀል ቦሌ ጃፓን ቤት በጣም በርካሸ ዋጋ
2,000,000 ETB
በመሀል ቦሌ ጃፓን ቤት በጣም በርካሸ ዋጋ በ 1 አመት የሚረከብ በካሬ 109 ሺ ብቻ ባለ 2 መኝታ 142 ካሬ 15 ሚሊየን ቅድመ ክፈያ 2 ሚሊየን ባለ 3 መኝታ 196 ካሬ 21 ሚሊየን ቅድመ ክፈያ 3 ሚሊየን...
3 Bedroom
151 - 249m² m²
ቦሌ ወሎ ሰፈር
Ground Floor
3 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Neja electronics00
Midea Air Conditioner 12btu T-3 SPLIT SYSTEM
118,000 ETB
AIR CONDITINER MIDEA 12btu MORE CALL ME BACK IN DOOR OUT DOOR (UNIT) COOLING AND HITENG INVERTER SISTEM ONLY COOLING በብዛት ሙቀት የወዛበት ሀገር ያገለግላሉ ሌሎችም አሉ በፈለጋቹት ብራንድ ቤት ማሞቅ እና ማቀዝቀዝ የበለጠ መረጃ ይደዉሉ 12000 BTU 18000 BTU 2400 BTU 36BTU 48BTU ለቤት ለቢሮ ለአዳራሽ በተለይ በተለይ ሙቀት የበዛበት ሀገሮች ያገለግላል Free deliver 12btu ዋጋ 65,000 birr +2519442944-29-89-89 https://t.me/Nejaelectronics00 ስለ መረጡኝ አመስግናለሁ ሼር ያድርጉ ለወዳጅ ዘመድ...
Addis Ababa
የሚከራይ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም
16,000 ETB
የሚከራይ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም ቦታ አያት ባለ2 መኝታ በዘመናዊ መልኩ የተሠራ 72 ካሬ ሜትር ለመኖሪያ ምቹ የሆነ አካባቢ አስፋልት ዳር ላይ በልዩ ሁኔታ የተሠራ ባለ2 መኝታ ሊፍት እየተገጠመ ያለው 6ኛ ፎቅ ላይ ኪራይ ዋጋ 16,000 ሺህ ብር ለበለጠ መረጃ 0902404049...
2 Bedroom
51 - 73m² m²
6th Floor
1 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Seya Car Market
Mitsubishi L200 2007
2,100,000 ETB
Urgent ‼Make:Mitsubishi Model:L200 Year:2007 Body type:Pickup,Singel Cab Engine:2.5L+ Turbo Drive Type:4WD Fuel:Diesel Fuel Economy:10KM/L Transmission:6-speed Manual Plate No.:A92xxx Code2 ከተላላፊ Condition :Neat and Clean car Mileage…180,000 km Price:2,100,000 ETB Commission:2 %payable +251912383813 Sell , Buy , Exchange Car's wiz us join our # Telegram channel # https://t.me/seyocarnet......
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Addis Ababa
Muluken Bekele
Polo premium gift set
5,300 ETB
Polo Premium Gift Set POLO AIR Men's Wristwatch Belt Wallet Card Holder Perfume Gift Combination •Polo Watch •Polo Perfume •polo Wallet •polo Card holder •polo belt All in one box 0969598552 0925701373 5,300 birr...
Addis Ababa