3 In 1 Large Size Chess Board Game for sale and price in Ethiopia
Price : 3,400.00 ETB
- Posted
13 minutes ago
•3 ጨዋታዎችን ባንድላይ የያዘ
-Chess, -Checkers/ዳማ, -Backgammon
•Larg size: 48×48
•ከቤተሰብ, ጋደኛ ጋር የሚዝናኑበት
•Wooden board
•በቀላሉ የትም ይዘውት የሚሄዱት
•ለቤት, ለት/ቤት, ለጉዞ በጣም ተመራጭ
•Portable & easy to carry
•Great for weekend, home, school, travel...
•improves critical thinking, memory, concentration etc.
•Telegram Inbox: @techshop9
Show Contact
-Chess, -Checkers/ዳማ, -Backgammon
•Larg size: 48×48
•ከቤተሰብ, ጋደኛ ጋር የሚዝናኑበት
•Wooden board
•በቀላሉ የትም ይዘውት የሚሄዱት
•ለቤት, ለት/ቤት, ለጉዞ በጣም ተመራጭ
•Portable & easy to carry
•Great for weekend, home, school, travel...
•improves critical thinking, memory, concentration etc.
•Telegram Inbox: @techshop9
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Tech Shop Last seen 31 hours ago
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