3 In 1 Large Size Chess Board Game for sale and price in Ethiopia
Price : 3,400.00 ETB
- Posted
29 minutes ago
•3 ጨዋታዎችን ባንድላይ የያዘ
-Chess, -Checkers/ዳማ, -Backgammon
•Larg size: 48×48
•ከቤተሰብ, ጋደኛ ጋር የሚዝናኑበት
•Wooden board
•በቀላሉ የትም ይዘውት የሚሄዱት
•ለቤት, ለት/ቤት, ለጉዞ በጣም ተመራጭ
•Portable & easy to carry
•Great for weekend, home, school, travel...
•improves critical thinking, memory, concentration etc.
•Telegram Inbox: @techshop9
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-Chess, -Checkers/ዳማ, -Backgammon
•Larg size: 48×48
•ከቤተሰብ, ጋደኛ ጋር የሚዝናኑበት
•Wooden board
•በቀላሉ የትም ይዘውት የሚሄዱት
•ለቤት, ለት/ቤት, ለጉዞ በጣም ተመራጭ
•Portable & easy to carry
•Great for weekend, home, school, travel...
•improves critical thinking, memory, concentration etc.
•Telegram Inbox: @techshop9
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Tech Shop Last seen 2 days ago
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3 In 1 Large Size Chess Board Game
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•3 ጨዋታዎችን ባንድላይ የያዘ -Chess, -Checkers/ዳማ, -Backgammon •Larg size: 48×48 •ከቤተሰብ, ጋደኛ ጋር የሚዝናኑበት •Wooden board •በቀላሉ የትም ይዘውት የሚሄዱት •ለቤት, ለት/ቤት, ለጉዞ በጣም ተመራጭ •Portable & easy to carry •Great for weekend, home, school, travel... •improves critical thinking, memory, concentration etc. •Telegram Inbox: @techshop9...
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12GB Ram
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2,850,000 ETB
2020 Faw Bestune T77 Make:FAW Model:Bestune T77 Year:2020 Engine:1.2T L4 143HP Drive Type:FWD Body Type:SUV Fuel:Benzine Transmission:Automatic Gas Mileage:16km/L Mileage: 24,000 km Plate No : C27*** Code2 Condition:Near New Features:- Bestune’s D-life Connectivity System 3D Total Intelligent Control System Keyless engine start Keyless entry system Cruise control Rain sensor Skyroof Ventilated seats Heated seats Bluetooth Sensor LCD Screen Voice control Navigation System Daytime running Price....2,850,000 ETB Commission....2% MUST BE PAID 0983165352 ማንኛውም መኪና መሸጥ፣መግዛት እንዲሁም መቀየር ሲያስፈልግዎ፤ይደውሉ :: https://t.me/LOYALCARMARKET...
Addis Ababa