HD Video Wall Controller 3x3 HD-MI DVI Video Wall Splicer camera for sale & price in Ethiopia
Price : 55,000.00 ETB
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3 hours ago - Condition
- 9 TV ወይም ከዛ በታች የሆኑ የተለያዩ TVዎችን ወደ አንድ በ ማምጣት ምስልን እንደ 1 ትልቅ TV ለማየት የሚረዳ
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Biruk Last seen 6 hours ago
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security camera 360°
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Sami Electronics
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3,500 ETB
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Addis Ababa
Sami Electronics
MI 2K Security Camera 360° ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ Xiaomi Smart Camera C300
6,200 ETB
MI 2K Security Camera 2K MI 360° camera xiaomi security camera Xiaomi Smart Camera C300 ለቤት እና ለንግድ ቦታ የሚያገለግል ሴኩሪቲ ካሜራ በምሽት ለመቅረፅ የሚያስችል Night Vision ሴንሰሮች የተገጠሙለት በስልኮ ካሜራውን 360° ዲግሪ እያሽከረከሩ የሚፈልጉትን እይታ ማግኘት ይችላሉ የራሱ አላርም ሲስተም የተገጠመለት እንቅስቃሴ ባለበት ሰዓት ወደ ስልኮ መለእክት ይልካል እንዲሁም ባሉበት ሆነው የድምፅ መልዕክት ማስተላለፍ የሚያስችል Xiaomi mi Security camera 360° የሚሽከረከር አስደናቂ የ ቪዲዮ ጥራት ያለው Quality cctvcamera የትም ሆነው ስራዎትን በ security camera ይከታተሉ ስራ ቦታ ሆነው የልጅዎትን ውሎ መከታተል የሚችሉበት ሚሞሪ ካርድ መቀበል የሚችል ወይንም በስልክ አገናኝቶ የስልካችን ሚሞሪ ላይ የሚቀርፀውን ነገር ያስቀምጣል በአካባቢው እንቅሰቃሴ ሲኖርም ካሜራው በራሱ ጊዜ እንቅስቃሴ ወደአየበት አቅጣጫ ተከታትሎ እየተዟዟረ ይቀርፃል (Motion Detection) Indor/Outdor ለቤት ዉስጥ አና ለዉጪ የሚሆን For Android, PC & IOS ዋጋ - 6,200 ብር @samishops @samielectronicsofficial...
Addis Ababa
A9 mini security camera
3,000 ETB
A9 mini security camera #በድብቅ_ካሜራ_የቤትዎን_የንግድ_ቦታዎን_እንቅስቃሴ_በስልክዎ_ይከታተሉ ለመኪናዎ፣ ለቤቶ፣ ለቡቲክ፣ ለሱቅ..ወዘተ... #A9_ሚኒ_ካሜራ በጣም አነስተኛ(ለመደበቅ እጅግ አመቺ) በቀላሉ በስልክ አገናኝተው ያሉበት ቦታ ሆነው የሚቆጣጠሩበት ድብቅ ካሜራ በቀላሉ ማንቀሳቀስ ፣ በፈለጉት ቦታ ማስቀመጥና መደበቅ የሚያስችል ።150° እየዞረ መቅረፅ የሚችል ።እንቅስቃሴዎች ላይ አትኩሮ መቅረፅ የሚችል።ጭለማ ውስጥ ያለምንም ችግር መቅረፅ የሚችል።5 ሰዓት ያለ ምንም ችግር በራሱ ባትሪ መቅረፅ የሚችል።- ከስልካችን ጋር Application በመጠቀም መቅረፅ እና ቀጥታ መመልከት የሚያስችል ።እስከ 128 gb ሜሞሪ መቀበል የሚችል፡፡ ለመኪናዎ፣ ለቤቶ፣ ለቡቲክ፣ ለሱቅ..ወዘተ... ለፈለጉት አገልግሎት መጠቀም ይችላሉ ። ዋጋ= 4500 ብር ያሉበት ቦታ ድረስ በነፃ እናደርሳለን ክፍላገር በ ፖስታ እንልካለን...
Addis Ababa
Azemi Computer and Mobile
Go pro Hero 10
35,000 ETB
GoPro HERO 10 1⃣0⃣ Highlights 23MP GP2 Chip with Improved Performance 5.3K60/4K120/2.7K240 Video, 23MP Photos New Front Display/Rear Touchscreen Cloud Connected, 1080p Live Streaming Enhanced Low-Light Performance HyperSmooth 4.0 Image Stabilization 33' Waterproof without a Housing Time-Lapse & Night-Lapse, 8x Slo-Mo • Built-In Flip-Out 2-Prong Mount • 1720mAh Capacity Battery #PRICE 35,000 BIRR “We only sell genuine and Packed products Call +251940399899 +251912623066 ቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ይቀላቀሉ Join https://t.me/Amanuelno17 Inbox @aazemi ለአጭር መልዕክት...
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Mega Computer
canon 5D mark iv
295,000 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens...
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Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D Digital Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D Digital SLR with 18-55 is STM Lens Black International Model...
Addis Ababa
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM LensHighlights• 30.4MP Full-Fr
310,000 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens Price: 285,000 Birr በ +251993232233...
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
canon eos 760D
72,000 ETB
Canon eos 760D Sensor: 24.2MP APS-C CMOS sensor Processor: DIGIC 6 Autofocus: 19-point all cross-type AF system ISO Range: 100-12,800 (expandable to 25,600) Continuous Shooting: 5 fps Video: Full HD 1080p at 30 fps Display: 3-inch Vari-angle touchscreen LCD Viewfinder: Optical pentamirror with 95% coverage Connectivity: Wi-Fi & NFC Battery Life: Approx. 440 shots per charge (LP-E17 battery) Price 72,000birr...
Addis Ababa
Dawit Sisay
Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera and versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM lens 24.1 MP, APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel CMOS 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 60 fps Up to 6 fps Shooting and ISO 51200 Bluetooth ®, Wi-Fi, 4K movies, Vari-Angle touchscreen Capture beautifully detailed photos and stunning 4K movies with a light weight ...
Addis Ababa
Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera and versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM lens 24.1 MP, APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel CMOS 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 60 fps Up to 6 fps Shooting and ISO 51200 Bluetooth ®, Wi-Fi, 4K movies, Vari-Angle touchscreen Capture beautifully detailed photos and stunning 4K movies with a light weight ...
Addis Ababa
Melese Birhanu
Canon EOS 760D Camera
72,000 ETB
Canon eos 760D Sensor: 24.2MP APS-C CMOS sensor Processor: DIGIC 6 Autofocus: 19-point all cross-type AF system ISO Range: 100-12,800 (expandable to 25,600) Continuous Shooting: 5 fps Video: Full HD 1080p at 30 fps Display: 3-inch Vari-angle touchscreen LCD Viewfinder: Optical pentamirror with 95% coverage Connectivity: Wi-Fi & NFC Battery Life: Approx. 440 shots per charge (LP-E17 battery) Price 72,000birr Call...
Addis Ababa
Dawit Sisay
Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera and versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM lens 24.1 MP, APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel CMOS 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 60 fps Up to 6 fps Shooting and ISO 51200 Bluetooth ®, Wi-Fi, 4K movies, Vari-Angle touchscreen Capture beautifully detailed photos and stunning 4K movies with a light weight...
Addis Ababa
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM LensHighlights• 30.4MP Full-Fr
287,000 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens Price: 287,000 Birr በ +251993232233 ይደውሉ...
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Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera and versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM lens 24.1 MP, APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel CMOS 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 60 fps Up to 6 fps Shooting and ISO 51200 Bluetooth ®, Wi-Fi, 4K movies, Vari-Angle touchscreen Capture beautifully detailed photos and stunning 4K movies with a light weight ...
Addis Ababa
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM LensHighlights• 30.4MP Full-Fr
287,500 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens Price: 287,000 Birr Phone +251993232233 Inbox @Gech...
Addis Ababa
Dawit Sisay
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera
99,999 ETB
Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera Canon EOS 800D (T7i) DSLR Camera and versatile EF-S 18-55mm f/4-5.6 IS STM lens 24.1 MP, APS-C sensor, Dual Pixel CMOS 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen Full HD 1080p Video Recording at 60 fps Up to 6 fps Shooting and ISO 51200 Bluetooth ®, Wi-Fi, 4K movies, Vari-Angle touchscreen Capture beautifully detailed photos and stunning 4K movies with a light weight...
Addis Ababa
Canon CN-E 14mm T3.1 L F Cinema Prime Lens (EF Mount)Highlights• Ultra Wide-Angle Cine Le
292,000 ETB
Canon CN-E 14mm T3.1 L F Cinema Prime Lens (EF Mount) Highlights • Ultra Wide-Angle Cine Lens • Covers Full Frame & Super 35 Sensors • T3.1 Maximum Aperture • 11-Blade Iris • Breathing Minimized Virtually to Zero • Dual Focus Markings • Stepless 300° Focus Rotation •Same Gear Positions as Other CN-E Models • Dust and Water Resistant Housing Address: Bole Medhanialem, Bati Complex call 0993232233...
Addis Ababa
Melese Birhanu
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV
289,999 ETB
Brand New Canon 5D Mark IV GENUINE with EF 24-105mm f/4L IS ll USM Lens Highlights • 30.4MP Full-Frame CMOS Sensor • DIGIC 6+ Image Processor • 3.2" 1.62m-Dot Touchscreen LCD Monitor • DCI 4K Video at 30 fps; 8.8MP Still Grab • 61-Point High Density Reticular AF • Expanded ISO 102400; 7 fps Shooting • Dual Pixel RAW; AF Area Select Button • Dual Pixel CMOS AF and Movie Servo AF • Built-In GPS and Wi-Fi with NFC • EF 24-105mm f/4L IS L USM Lens Price 289,999 birr...
Addis Ababa
Hp Elitebook Corei7 10th Generation Laptop
67,000 ETB
New arrivals 5pices 68,500fixed HP Elitebook X360 convirtableProcessor - Intel core i7 (6cores & 12 logical processors) Generation - 10th generation Storage - 512gb SSD(10x faster) Ram - 16gb DDR4 Screen- 14 inch x360 infinity screen Graphics - Intel hd graphics Touch screen Yoga 360 degree rotation Keyboard backlit Light weight Aluminum body Battery - 5hrs and above Price - 67000birr Fixed . Call 0945033099...
Intel Core i7
10th Gen
16GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
Amen Mobile Store
Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G
46,500 ETB
New Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G Support 5G networkAndroid version 14 12 GB RAM 256 GB Storage Dual Sim Card 5,000 mAh Battery Price 46,500 ETB #samsungphone የ ቴሌግራም ግሩፖችን ቤተሰብ በመሆን የ ልዮ ቅናሸ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ፡፡ Contact us 0921728550 Telegram Channel Link https://t.me/Amenmobilestore መገናኛ ማራቶን ሕንፃ...
12GB Ram
Dual Sim
Addis Ababa
Zowi Mart
Plantronics Blackwire C3210 Headset
3,600 ETB
Mono - USB Type a - wired over-the-head - monaural - supra-aural - noise cancelling microphone The C3210 headset provides plenty of freedom with wired connectivity Listen to your tape recordings or use them when listening to telephone calls with these mono sound headset Boom/on-cable microphone design These supra-aural black wire give you the comfort of portability ከ 20 በላይ በሆኑት የክልል ቅርንጫፎቻችን ፈጣን እና ተመጣጣኝ እና ቀልጣፋ አገልግሎት እንሰጦታለን። *ሐዋሳ *አዳማ * ደብረማርቆስ*አርባምንጭ *ድሬዳዋ *ኮምቦልቻ *ባህርዶር *ጎንደር * ደሴ * አሶሳ * ሆሳዕና *ደብረ ብርሃን *መቐለ *ሐረር *ሶዶ *አፋር *ጅማ *ጋምቤላ * ጅግጅጋ እና ሌሎችም ክልሎች ከ 100 እስከ 200 ብር እናደርሳለን...
Addis Ababa
Ikru Technology
Dell 3060/5060
46,000 ETB
Dell Desktop 3060/ 5060 1tb storage /8gb ram can be upgraded 19 inch wide screen ...
Intel Core i5
8GB Ram
19 inch
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
hp envy laptop
55,000 ETB
Big discount HP ENVY core i5- 8th generation Model : envy Condition: open box GRAPHICS: MX150 2GB Nvidia dedicated Graphics card Screen :13.3 inch Storage : 512gb SSD STORAGERam : 8gb DDR4 : above 4 hours battery life ultra slim design HD Sound system Price 55,000 birr ቀድመው ይደውሉ...
Intel Core i5
8th Gen
8GB Ram
15.6 inch
Solid State Drive (SSD)
Addis Ababa
Melese Birhanu
Samsung Tab A9+5G
39,500 ETB
Samsung Tab A9+ 5G 5G Sim Support Storage 128GB 8GB Ram 11" inch Screen Price 39,500birr...
8GB Ram
Wi-Fi and Sim (Cellular)
Addis Ababa
Laptop Hub
Dell Latitude 13th gen core i5 16GB Ram
68,000 ETB
Dell Latitude 5340 core i5 13th generation Storage : 512 gb ssd(faster than hard disk) 16 GB Ram screen size: 13.3 inch Keyboard backlight with face id 10 cores and 12 logical processors 5+ hours battery life Price 68,000 birr አድራሻ:- ቦሌ፣ ሰላም ሲቲ ሞል ፊት ለፊት፣ ላሚር ህንፃ 1ኛ ፎቅ call: +251960494294 +251911420257 Telegram channel- https://t.me/abugidatech11...
Intel Core i5
13th Gen
16GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
Laptop Hub
Hp Pro-book x360 11G2
22,500 ETB
Hp pro-book x360 11G2 Touch screen Core M3 7th generation Storage : 256 gb ssd(faster than hard disk) 8 GB Ram screen size: 13.3 inch 3+ hours battery life price: 22,500 birr አድራሻ:- ቦሌ፣ ሰላም ሲቲ ሞል ፊት ለፊት፣ ላሚር ህንፃ 1ኛ ፎቅ call: +251960494294 +251911420257 Telegram channel- https://t.me/abugidatech11...
Intel Core M3
7th Gen
8GB Ram
13 inch
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
Dell optiplex 790
21,500 ETB
New Arrival Dell Optiplex Core i5 790SFF(Small Form Factor Business Desktop) (with full accessories ) 19" inch Square HD screen Core i5 500GB Hdd 4GB Ram 3.1 processor speed Intel HD Graphics Windows 10 pro many pcs available inour stock Price , 13,000 birr ብዛት ለሚወስዱ Negotiable ነው price...
Intel Core i5
4GB Ram
19 inch
Addis Ababa
Brand New Lenovo Thinkpad yoga 370 Core i5 7th
35,000 ETB
Brand New Lenovo Thinkpad Laptop Model :Lenovo Yoga 370 Rotation : x360 degree Special Features Touch Screen with 10 Touch points it has penProcessor Core i5 with turbo boost 4.5 GHz speedIntel Core(Tm) i5-7th Generation512GB SSD storage (Faster than Hard disk)8GB Ram14.1 inch screen in size (with edge To edge angle display)Above 7 hours battery life Price ...32500...
Intel Core i5
7th Gen
8GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
Tech Shop
Kids Smart Watch
2,100 ETB
•Easy to use & HD colorful touch screen •Support SIM card (talk to your kids any time) •Camera, Flashlight, Alarm & more •Real time location •For both boys & girls •Color: blue & pink •ሲም ካርድ የሚወስድ (ልጆን በፈለጉት ሰዓት ያግኙ) •ካሜራ, ማብራት, አላርም ሌሎች ጥቅሞች ያሉት •ልጆ የት አንዳለ የሚያሳውቅ ትራከር ያለው •ለወንድም ለሴትም የሚሆን •Telegram inbox @techshop9...
Addis Ababa
Amen Mobile Store
New Samsung Galaxy A16 5G
29,000 ETB
Samsung Galaxy A16 5GStorage - 256 GB Ram - 8 GB Battery - 5000 mAH #samsungphone የ ቴሌግራም ግሩፖችን ቤተሰብ በመሆን የ ልዮ ቅናሸ ተጠቃሚ ይሁኑ፡፡ Contact us0938231723 Telegram Channel Link https://t.me/Amenmobilestore መገናኛ ማራቶን ሕንፃ...
8GB Ram
Dual Sim
Addis Ababa
Ja Computer Store
Hp Elitebook
85,000 ETB
HP ELITEBOOK 830 G8 BRAND NEWIntel core i7 11th generation Total Cores 4; Total Threads 8Base speed : 3.0GhzUp to 4.8Ghz processor speed 512GB ssd storage 16GB RAM 3200MHz speed 14" inch screenFull HD Display keyboard Backlight BEST BATTERY LIFE @ja_e_24 ለአጭር መልእክት ይደዉሉ 0943-4680-63 0703-8415-32 Contact us @ja_e_24 Join t.me/ja_computer "Building Digital Bridge"...
Intel Core i7
11th Gen
16GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
Ikru Technology
Konica Minolta bizhub C754 e
455,000 ETB
Prints Brochures Business Card Reciept Papers Supports A3,A4 ,A5,A6 B4,B5 paper sizes Color Printer ...
Addis Ababa
Azemi Computer and Mobile
6 in 1 Smart Wacth
6,500 ETB
6 in One Smart Wacth Smart Barry Price 6,500 “We only sell genuine and Packed products Call +251940399899 +251912623066 ቴሌግራም ቻናላችንን ይቀላቀሉ Join https://t.me/Amanuelno17 Inbox @aazemi ለአጭር መልዕክት...
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
hp elitebook 830 G7
67,000 ETB
Brand New Hp Elite book 830 G7 x360 Touch Screen 360° rotated intel® Core™i5-10th Gen 512GB SSD STORAGE 16GB RAM 4 Core 8 Logical Processor Full HD 1080 Keyboard backlit coolboost technology 13.3" (inch) #PRICE 58,500 BirrFor more info l...
Intel Core i7
10th Gen
16GB Ram
13.3 inch
Solid State Drive (SSD)
Addis Ababa
Mega Computer
HP EliteBook 840 G3
28,500 ETB
Hp elitebook 840 G3 best laptop for general businesses &for students with warranty 1 TB HDD(plus +128SSD) 8gb installed memory(upgradable to 16gb) has graphics card 6th generation Intel core i5 14.1 inch screen size . FullHD resolution . Keyboard light . has sim and SSD slot price 27500 bir...
Intel Core i5
6th Gen
8GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
GORDAK 952 Blower New Packed
9,000 ETB
Free Delivery + * ለሞባይል ጥገና እና ለተለያዩ ኤሌክትሮኒክስ እቃዎችን ለመጠገን እጅግ ተመራጭ ብራንድ...
Addis Ababa
Hybrid Solar Generator
Hybrid Inverter & Lithium ion battery
360,000 ETB
በመብራት መቆራረጥ ተቸግረዋል? 0917861496 0707661496 ጀነሬተርን የሚተካ በፀሐይ ኃይል (Solar Panel) እና በኤሌክትሪክ ሃይል ቻሪጅ የሚደረግ እጅግ ዘመናዊ #ሊትየም አየን ባትሪ (#Lithium_ion_Battery )፤ Fully ቻርጅ ካደረገ ለተለያዩ ፍጆታዎች ያለምንም መቆራረጥ ለ24 ሰዓት ኃይል በመስጠት ከኤሌክትሪክ መቆራረጥ ችግር ይገላገላሉ!! ልዩ ቅናሽ ላይ ስለሆንን አሁኑኑ ይዘዙን ሊትየም አየን ባትሪን ከ 5ኪሎ ዋት ጀምሮ እንደ ፍላጎቶ እስከ 100ኪሎ ዋት እናቀርባለን እንዲሁም ሀይብሪድ የሆነ ኢንቨርተር ከ 1ኪሎ ዋት ጀምሮ እንደ ፍላጎቶ በማቅረብ የመብራት ችግርን እንፈታለን:: የምናቀርባቸው ባትሪ እና ኢንቨርተሮች: ለመኖሪያ ቤቶች ለሆቴሎች ለአፓርትመንቶች ለባንኮች ለኢንተርኔት ካፌዎች ለቢሮዎች ለቴሌኮም ተቋማት ለሲኒማ ቤቶች እና መሰል ለሆኑ አገልግሎት ይሆናልከጀነሬተር ለየት የሚያደርጉት ባህሪያት በሶላር (Solar panel) እና በመብራት ቻርጅ የሚደረግ መሆኑ Shock absorber ስላለው ምንም አይነት ንዝረት የለውም ድምፅ እና ጭስ አልባ ነው መብራት መጥፋቱን ሳናውቅ በ #4 micro second ቅፅበታዊ በሆነ መልኩ ይበራል:: የ አምስት ዓመት ዋስትና እና የ 1ዓመት ነፃ ጥገና እንሰጣለን::...
Addis Ababa
Belaynew Mulu
Volkswagen.ID.4 Crozz Pro 2024
5,600,000 ETB
Make:Volkswagen Model:ID.4 Crozz Pro Year.....:2024 Body Type:Crossover SUV Engine:Dual Motor 313HP Drive Type:RWD Fuel:Electric Transmission:Automatic Color......Grey Plate No......Brand New Full Charged......600KM Mileage:00 Km Condition:Brand New Features: Headup display Heated seats Leather seats Navigation system Openable Panoramic roof Parking sensor rear Power seats Parking assist Lane departure alert Front camera Rear TV screens USB Multiple off road option selector Ride height control Bluetooth system Climate control Power seats with memory Rear camera Self-steering parking Cooled front seats Price.......6,500,000 ETB Commission......2% Call.......0912838034 Http://t.me/bmjcar...
SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle)
Original Left
Addis Ababa
Belaynew Mulu
Condominium for sell at Ajanba
6,000,000 ETB
‼የኮንዶሚኔየም ሽያጭ ==================== ካራ.......አጃንባ 92 ካሬ ሜትር 4ኛ ፎቅ ላይ ለአስፓልት ቅርብ የሆነ ባለ 3 መኝታ የራሱ የውሀ ማጠራቀሚያ ታንከር የተገጠመለት ዘመናዊ ሁኖ የተሠራ ሙሉ ሴራሚክ ዋጋ........6,000,000 ብር ኮሚሽን.........0% ይደውሉ.....0912838034...
3 Bedroom
94m² m²
kara ajanba
4th Floor
1 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Tech Shop
3 In 1 Large Size Chess Board Game
3,400 ETB
•3 ጨዋታዎችን ባንድላይ የያዘ -Chess, -Checkers/ዳማ, -Backgammon •Larg size: 48×48 •ከቤተሰብ, ጋደኛ ጋር የሚዝናኑበት •Wooden board •በቀላሉ የትም ይዘውት የሚሄዱት •ለቤት, ለት/ቤት, ለጉዞ በጣም ተመራጭ •Portable & easy to carry •Great for weekend, home, school, travel... •improves critical thinking, memory, concentration etc. •Telegram Inbox: @techshop9...
Addis Ababa
ያለቀለት ቤት በሙሉ ክፍያ ወይም በረጅም ክፍያ ግንባታ ላይ ያለውን በ 15% ብቻ ይመዝገቡ።
5,890,060 ETB
ታላቅ ቅናሽ እስከ 41% አፓርታማ ላይባለ 2 ምኝታ-ከ 7.3 ሚሊዮን እስከ 9 ሚሊየንባለ 3 ምኝታ- ከ 11 ሚሊዮን እስከ 16.5 ሚሊዮንግንባታቸው 80% ለደረሱ ቤቶች በ15% ቅድመ ክፍያ ብቻ በተጨማሪም ከቅድመ ክፍያ ከፍ አድርገው ለሚከፍሉ ደንበኞች እስከ 25% ልዩ ቅናሽ ይሰጣቸዋል። ወይም በ ረጅም ጊዜ ክፍያ 60/40 በመጠቀም የቤት ባለቤት ይሁኑ። ለበለጠ መረጃ +251910904625 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Lo5nHRbK7X6K2dAiHKRgIO...
Ayat Real Estate
2 Bedroom
5th Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Jael mart
lil critters gummy vites
4,000 ETB
Lil citters multivitamin is available on hand It contains 300 gummies It supports immune and cellular function It is for children of 2 years and above It is from Contact @Ruthamare call us using 0911368572...
Addis Ababa
Cube Shoe Rack
3,550 ETB
Cube Shoe Rack ዘመናዊ የጫማ ማስቀመጫ ፍሬሙ ጠንካራ የብረት ሽቦ አካሉ የተወጠረ ጠንካራ ፕላስቲክ ብርሃን አስተላላፊ በር በቀላሉ የሚገጣጠም ቦታ ቆጣቢ ባለ 6 ደረጃ 12 ጥንድ ጫማ የሚይዝ 96cm ቁመት *31cm ስፋት *እና 44cm ርዝመት...
Addis Ababa
BMj Commission
Lexus LX570 2022
35,000,000 ETB
Make: Lexus Model:LX570 Year:....... 2021 Body Type: SUV Engine :5.7L V8 383HP Drive Type:AWD Fuel:-Benzine Fuel Economy: 10KM/L Transmission:8-Speed Automatic Color: Nori Green Pearl Plate No: Brand New Condition: Brand New. Features Sunroof Heated front seats Heated rear seats Heated steering wheel Ventilated front seats Head-up display Surround-view camera Smart key Blindspot detection Forward collision warning Autonomous emergency braking Lane departure warning Adaptive cruise control Remote engine start GPS Auxiliary audio input Front USB ports Sirius XM Bluetooth audio Wireless phone charging. Price.....35,000,000 ETB Commission ......2% Call 0912838034 Http://t.me/bmjcar...
SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle)
Original Left
Addis Ababa
የአብስራ ባህላዊ ቅርጽ ቅርፅ ስራ
የሚሸጥ መጋዘን በርካሽ አየር ጤና ግራር
50,000,000 ETB
‼Very urgent school for sale‼916 በ ካርታ በ ይዞታ 1000 50 meters ከዋና መንገድ Location around አየርጤና ግራር Working as kg school ሰፊ መጋዘን አለው 150 ካሬ ላይ ያረፈ ወርሀዊ ገቢ 300,000 birr Price 60 ሚሊየን ድርድር አለው 09 53 43 89 10...
Above 1000m² m²
አየር ጤና ግራር
Addis Ababa
RG Commission
Suzuki Dzire 2023
3,150,000 ETB
Suzuki........Dzire Model.........2022 Transmission :Automatic Full option android screen Push start Orginal left hand rear view camera aluminium rims Cc:1.2 KM:00 Code:never used in Ethiopia Price.........3,070,000 ETB Commission .....2% Phone. 0912838034 https://t.me/bmjcar...
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Addis Ababa
4,550,000 ETB
Urgent ‼Make:Hyundai Model:Tucson Engine:1.6 T GDi Nline Fuel:Benzine Transmission:Automatic,Full Option Year:2020 Imported from Europe Plate No:B6**** Code 2 Mileage:31,000 km Condition:Excellent This car comes with 19in Alloy Wheels 8in Touchscreen Satellite Navigation including Traffic Messaging Channel Bluetooth Connectivity Cruise Control with Speed Limiter DAB Digital Radio Door Mirrors - Electric Adjustment and Heated with Power Folding Function Smart Key - Keyless Entry Price....4,550,000 Birr Commission....2% 0983165352 ማንኛውም መኪና መሸጥ፣መግዛት እንዲሁም መቀየር ሲያስፈልግዎ፤ይደውሉ :: https://t.me/LOYALCARMARKET...
Addis Ababa
BMj Commission
Howo sino Casoni NA 400Hp 2022
9,800,000 ETB
Make:Howo Model:Sinotruck Howo 371HP Year:2022 Body Type:Cargo Truck Engine:400HP@2200RPM Drive Wheel:6x4 LHD Fuel:Diesel Transmission:Manual Color:White By Gray Plate No.:Brand New Mileage:0 KM Condition:Brand New Price : 6,500,000 ETB Commission .......2% Call.......0912838034...
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Addis Ababa
Jael mart
6,500 ETB
Ashewagandha 180 vegeterian Capsules From Contact telegram @Ruthamare 0911368572...
Addis Ababa
Seya Car Market
1,700,000 ETB
Make.. Toyota Model.. Vitz Yaris Year.. 2005 Reall Transmission.. Manual Standard.. Europe CC.. 1.3L Mileage.. Loading Plate No.. Xxxx Code 2 Condition.. Super Excellent Status.. Original LHD Price.. 1.7 Million Birr Commission:2 %payable +251912383813 Sell , Buy , Exchange Car's wiz us join our # Telegram channel # https://t.me/seyocarnet......
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Addis Ababa
Kasa car market
BANK LOAN500.000birrMake.. Suzuki Model.. Dzire Year.. 2022Transmission.. Automatic CC..
1,650,000 ETB
BANK LOAN500.000birr Make.. Suzuki Model.. Dzire Year.. 2022 Transmission.. Automatic CC.. 1.2L Milage.. 21,000 Kms Plate No.. Cxxx Code 2 Condition.. Super Excellent Status.. Full Option BANK LOAN .. 500,000 CASH HAND.. 2,250,000 TOTAL PRICE : 2.750.000 ETB Comission.. 2% Contact -0912106997 https://t.me/kasacarsmarket...
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Addis Ababa
Apartment Sale at Addis Ababa 60/40 Package አፓርትመንት ሽያጭ አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ
6,000,000 ETB
Apartama Sales Addis Ababa: 60/40 Package Two BedRooms Area=72 m2 Total Price In Cash=5,890,061 Birr If In 3 Years Or 10-30 Years Payment Total Price=7,362,576 Br 10-30 years payment schedule Down Payment=15%=1,104,387 Br 2nd payment=25%=1,840,644 Br 3Rd Payment=5%=368,129 Br 4th payment=5%=368,129 Br 5th payment=5%=368,129 Br 6th Payment=--% = ----Br 7th Payment=5% =368,129 Br Site Ayat 60% in 3 Years 40% in 10-30 years payment [ 3 bedroom Price Fully Finished Including Vat 115 M2=13,206,485 Br Down Payment=10%=1,320,649 Br +251910904625 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Lo5nHRbK7X6K2dAiHKRgIO...
Ayat Real Estate
2 Bedroom
5th Floor
2 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Jael mart
on the horizon
3,000 ETB
Bath and body Fragrance Mist Your Everyday Luxuries Collections, New Trending fragrance, scents your skin with a mist that's super layerable. Made in USA 0911368572...
Addis Ababa
Neja electronics00
VICTORY REFRIGERATOR 400s free deliver
43,000 ETB
VICTORY REFRIGERATOR 400size net 350LSize 205 net litter 138LNo frostcondensersmart cooling10 years warranty for comperessor new price 250s 200L 30,000 birr ,,,,,,,,,,400s 350L 43,000 birr ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,355m 37,500 birr ;;;;;;;;; እደ እቃ አይነት እናደርሳለንሁሉም እቃዎቻችን የተረጋገጠ ዋስትና አላቸዉ ስልክ +251944298989 ...
Addis Ababa