Nido kinder 1+ for sale and price in Ethiopia
Price : 6,500.00 ETB
- Posted
6 hours ago
NIDO Kinder 1+
Every glass of Nestlé NIDO 1+ helps support your child's healthy immune system with Vitamins A, C and B6, as well as Iron and Zinc
Nestlé NIDO 1+ has Prebio 1, an exclusive blend of fibers to help maintain a child's healthy digestive system
NIDO 1+ has a delicious taste of honey that your kids will love. NIDO products are not intended for children less than 1 year old
From USA
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Every glass of Nestlé NIDO 1+ helps support your child's healthy immune system with Vitamins A, C and B6, as well as Iron and Zinc
Nestlé NIDO 1+ has Prebio 1, an exclusive blend of fibers to help maintain a child's healthy digestive system
NIDO 1+ has a delicious taste of honey that your kids will love. NIDO products are not intended for children less than 1 year old
From USA
Call 0911****** Show phone
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JMJael mart Last seen 4 hours ago
Registered 2 weeks ago - Visit Seller's Page
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Ikru Technology
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Addis Ababa