Nature made folic acid for sale and price in Ethiopia
Price : 4,500.00 ETB
- Posted
6 hours ago
Nature made's Folic acid
250 tablets
#important vitamin B for women of child bearing age
0911****** Show phone
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250 tablets
#important vitamin B for women of child bearing age
0911****** Show phone
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JMJael mart Last seen 3 days ago
Registered 2 weeks ago - Visit Seller's Page
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የሚሸጥ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም
4,200,000 ETB
የሚሸጥ 40/60 ኮንዶሚኒየም ቦታ አያት ባለ1 መኝታ ወደ ባለ2 መኝታ ተደርጎ የተሠራ 58 ካሬ ሜትር ለባንክ ለከሽ የሚሆን 12ኛ ፎቅ ላይ ዲጂታል ካርታ የያዘ መሸጫ ዋጋ 4,200,000 ሺህ ብር ለበለጠ መረጃ 0902404049 ለባንክ ለከሽ የሚሆን...
1 Bedroom
51 - 73m² m²
12th Floor
1 Bathroom
Addis Ababa
Temer Properties
Temer Real Estate Apartment for sales
4,900,000 ETB
በ 35% ቅናሽ ቤቶን ይግዙ 80% በደረሱ ሳይቶቻችን የ ቤቶን ያለምንም ዋጋ ጭማሪ በብር ብቻ ይግዙ! 0913458924 በቃላችን መገኘት 6 ጊዜ የምንታወቅበት በአያት፣ በአጠና ተራ፣ በለቡ 2ሳይት፣ በአራት ኪሎና በላፍቶ በታማኝነት አስረክበናል ። አሁን ደግሞ 6 ፕሮጀክቶችን ሰርቶ ለማስረከብ እየገነባ ይገኛል ማለትም ከስቱድዮ እስከ ባለ 3 ሶስት መኝታ በሳርቤት በፒያሳ በአያት በሶማሌ ተራ በሀይሌ ጋርመንት ፒያሳ ሊሴ መኖሪያ ቤቶች 46 ካሬ ሜትር እስከ 214 ካሬ ሜትር የንግድ ሱቆች ከ 10 ካሬ - እስከ 175 ካሬ ልዩ የሚያደርገን ጥራቱን የጠበቀ ግንባታ መገንባታችን የ ተመረጡ ቦታዎች ላይ በ አጭር ግዜ ማስረከባችን ትልቅ ቅናሽ መስጠታችን ሰፊ የቤት አማራጭ በቂ የሆነ የመኪና ፓርኪንግ የከርሰ ምድር ውሀ የወጣለት በቂ የልጆች መጫወቻ ያለው ለከተማ ቅርብ የደህንነት ስጋት የማያሳስቦት ቀጠሮ ለማስያዝ ይደውሉልን +251913458924 +251983444354...
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3 Bedroom
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የሚሸጥ ኮንዶሚኒየም
6,400,000 ETB
የሚሸጥ ኮንዶሚኒየም ቦታ የካ አባዶ ባለ 2መኝታ 2ኛ ፎቅ ላይ በዘመናዊ መልኩ የተሠራ የተመቻቸ መኪና ማቆሚያ ያለው አስፋልት ዳር ላይ 73ካሬ ሜትር መሸጫ ዋጋ 6,400,000 ሺህ ብር ለበለጠ መረጃ 0902404049 ለባንክ ይሆናል...
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51 - 73m² m²
የካ አባዶ ኮንዶሚኒየም
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Addis Ababa
ቦሌ friendship ያለቁ luxury ቤቶች
2,500,000 ETB
ቦሌ friendship ያለቁ luxury ቤቶች ከ 25 ሚሊየን ጀምሮ...
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150m² m²
3rd Floor
3 Bathroom
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Laptop Hub
Dell Latitude 5420 core i7 11th generation 512gb ssd, 16GB Ram
63,000 ETB
Dell Latitude 5420 core i7 11th generation Storage : 512 gb ssd(faster than hard disk) 16 GB Ram screen size: 14.1 inch Keyboard backlight and with face id 4 cores and 8 logical processors 5+ hours battery life Price 63,000 birr አድራሻ:- ቦሌ፣ ሰላም ሲቲ ሞል ፊት ለፊት፣ ላሚር ህንፃ 1ኛ ፎቅ call: +251960494294 +251911420257 Telegram channel-
Intel Core i7
11th Gen
16GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
Jael mart
coconut oil
4,500 ETB
Kirkland organic virgin coconut oil It is unrefined It is cold pressed It is 2.48L It is from contact @Ruthamare call us using 0911368572...
Addis Ababa
Melese Birhanu
New Hp Elitebook 840 G5
46,500 ETB
New arrival 10pcs available Grad A+ Laptop Brand New hp elitebook 840 G5 Core i7 8th generation Octa-Core processor High Quality processor Intel Core i7 -8th generation micro-edge Corning Gorilla, with Eyes detect 16GB DDR4 RAM 512 GB SSD(faster than Hard disk) Edge to edge screen with IPS display DTS speakers 14.1" inch screen with FULL HD resolution Ultra-slim Silver color Battery life 8hrs price .. ..46,500 birr...
Intel Core i7
8th Gen
16GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
Melese Birhanu
New Hp Elitebook 830 G7 Pc Touch Screen
68,500 ETB
Core i7 10th generation HP Elitebook 830 G7 pc Touch screen Brand new laptop core i7 processor 10th generation 2021 Screen size :13.3 inch full HD (1920x1080) screen display Storage: 512SSD Ram : 16GB DDR4 8hrs hours battery life Super slim design HD Sound system finger print White keyboard light Price 68,500 birr Call...
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10th Gen
16GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
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23,000 ETB
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8GB Ram
Dual Sim
Addis Ababa
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39,500 ETB
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Make:Toyota Mark 2Model:Landcruiser Fuel:Diesel Engine: 1HZTransmission:Manual Year: 2014
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9,800,000 ETB
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35,000 ETB
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