Hp EliteBook i7 10th generation laptop for sale & price in Ethiopia

Price : 62,000.00 ETB Negotiable


Hp EliteBook 830 G7

️Core i7

️10Th Generation

️512 GB SSD



️With Keyboard Light

️Touch Screen

62,000 birr

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34,500 ETB
#new arrival HP ELITEBOOK 840 G5 And G6 Hp Core i5-8th Generation Storage :512GB SSD Ram :16gb DDR4, Supper Fast Graphics: intel®UHD graphics card generation:8th battery: 10HR!!! Screen size 14.1 inch with one year warranty price: ............35500 birr Call 0945033099...
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New arrival 10pcs available Grad A+ Laptop Brand New hp elitebook 840 G5 Core i7 8th generation Octa-Core processor High Quality processor Intel Core i7 -8th generation micro-edge Corning Gorilla, with Eyes detect 16GB DDR4 RAM 512 GB SSD(faster than Hard disk) Edge to edge screen with IPS display DTS speakers 14.1" inch screen with FULL HD resolution Ultra-slim Silver color Battery life 8hrs price .. ..46,500 birr...
Intel Core i7
8th Gen
16GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
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hp envy laptop
55,000 ETB
Big discount HP ENVY core i5- 8th generation Model : envy Condition: open box GRAPHICS: MX150 2GB Nvidia dedicated Graphics card Screen :13.3 inch Storage : 512gb SSD STORAGERam : 8gb DDR4 : above 4 hours battery life ultra slim design HD Sound system Price 55,000 birr ቀድመው ይደውሉ...
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8th Gen
8GB Ram
15.6 inch
Solid State Drive (SSD)
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Hp Probook x360 Touch ScreenIntel pentium CPN N4200 G1 Storage:- 256 GB SSD RAM:- 4gb ram ## Window 11 pro ## x64 based pcScreen size:- 13 inch intel HD graphics card battery life:- above 5:00 hours price 24,500 ETB 0924420906 0929624425 https://t.me/cr7mele...
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Intel Core i7
12th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
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120,000 ETB
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8th Gen
8GB Ram
14.1 inch
Solid State Drive (SSD)
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Hp Spector Brand New Diamond Cut 4k Core i7 12th generation 13.3 inch  screen size 512 gb 4
Hp Spector Brand New Diamond Cut 4k Core i7 12th generation 13.3 inch  screen size 512 gb
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Hp Spector Brand New Diamond Cut 4k Core i7 12th generation 13.3 inch screen size 512 gb ssd Storage 16GB Ram DDR4 3200MHZ intel iris Graphics card X360 degrees rotation Touchscreen 4k Resolution 6hr battery's life Price 114,500 birr 09 93232233 09 76602498...
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NEW ARRIVAL HP ELITE BOOK 840 G8 Intel®core I7-1185G7️Storage : 512 SSD ️ram : 16GB with
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NEW ARRIVAL HP ELITE BOOK 840 G8 Intel®core I7-1185G7Storage : 512 SSDram : 16GB with 3200MHzKeyboard light status: almost newInch :14”Intel (R)Iris (R) Xe graphics price 64 000 birr 0993232233...
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Brand New 12th generation hp pavilion plus mid gaming laptop Dedicated 4GB RTX 2050 Graphics 12th Generation (2023) Core i5 2k resolution 10 core and 12logical processor finger printer with keyboard light Model : HP pavilion Condition: Brand new 12th generation Screen :14.1 inch Storage :512gb ssd storage Ram : 16gb DDR4 With intel Iris Graphics card 10 hours battery life Dedicated 4GB RTX 2050 Graphics Price : 83 500 birr call 0993232233 0976602498...
Intel Core i5
12th Gen
16GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
️Brand Hp Pavilion  12th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 12th! generationGeneration- 12thstora 3
️Brand Hp Pavilion  12th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 12th! generationGeneration- 12thstora
70,500 ETB
Brand Hp Pavilion 12th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 12th! generation Generation- 12th storage ፡ 512gb sdd RAM ፡ 16gb ddr4 Graphics ፡ intel®hd iris xe graphics Inch ፡15.6 inch FHD screen Battery 8hr plus Status: brand new 3 piece available Price 70 500 Birr call 0993232233...
Intel Core i5
12th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
NEW ARRIVALSVICTUS GAMING 2023Designed by HP INTEL Core i7 13th generation 14cores 20 thr 4
NEW ARRIVALSVICTUS GAMING 2023Designed by HP INTEL Core i7 13th generation 14cores 20 thr
182,000 ETB
NEW ARRIVALS VICTUS GAMING 2023 Designed by HP INTEL Core i7 13th generation 14cores 20 threads Upto 4.90Ghz Core i7-13650Hx (13th) Gen 1 TB SSD STORAGE 16GB RAM DDR5 Memory Full HD 1080 16.1 inch 165 Hz refresh rate RGB KEYBOARD BACKLIT Nvidia Geforce RTX 4060 8GB dedicated graphics(VRam) #PRICE 162,000 Birr Telegram - Inbox me : @Gech laptop call 0993232233...
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Brand New Gaming Laptop Hp Victus 15 13th Generation RTX 3050Ti 6GB Graphics INTEL Core i5 13th Generation 512 GB SSD 8GB RAM KEYBOARD BACKLIT Nvidia Geforce RTX 3050 6gb dedicated graphics 144 HZ Refresh rate #PRICE 105.000birr Call 0993232233 Address; Bole medhaniyalem...
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13th Gen
8GB Ram
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Brand New hp elitebook  840  G5   8th  generation         Core i7️   Octa-Core processor️ 4
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49,500 ETB
Brand New hp elitebook 840 G5 8th generation Core i7 Octa-Core processor High Quality processor Intel Core i7 -8th generation micro-edge Corning Gorilla, with Eyes detect 16GB DDR4 RAM 512 GB SSD(faster than Hard disk) Edge to edge screen with IPS display DTS speakers 14.1" inch screen with FULL HD resolution Ultra-slim Silver color Battery life above 6hrs price 44500 birr +2519 93232233...
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HP Elite x2
37,000 ETB
HP Elite X2 Detachable Touchscreen Laptop Processor: Intel Core i5 (7th Gen) Storage: 256GB SSD RAM: 16GB Graphics: Intel HD Graphics Screen: 13.3” Touchscreen Battery Life: Up to 6 hours Condition: Brand New Price: 38,500 ETB Call: +251 977 858 670 +251 974 400 046...
Intel Core i5
7th Gen
16GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
New Hp Elitebook 850 G7 3
New Hp Elitebook 850 G7
59,500 ETB
New coming Brand new discount price Hp elitebook 850 G7 512 GB SSD 16gb installed memory 10th generation Intel core i5 15.6 inch screen size FullHD resolution Keyboard light has sim and ssd slot Price... 59,500etb Call...
Addis Ababa
Dell Latitude 5420 core i7 11th generation 512gb ssd, 16GB Ram 3
Dell Latitude 5420 core i7 11th generation 512gb ssd, 16GB Ram
63,000 ETB
Dell Latitude 5420 core i7 11th generation Storage : 512 gb ssd(faster than hard disk) 16 GB Ram screen size: 14.1 inch Keyboard backlight and with face id 4 cores and 8 logical processors 5+ hours battery life Price 63,000 birr አድራሻ:- ቦሌ፣ ሰላም ሲቲ ሞል ፊት ለፊት፣ ላሚር ህንፃ 1ኛ ፎቅ call: +251960494294          +251911420257 Telegram channel- https://t.me/abugidatech11...
Intel Core i7
11th Gen
16GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
macbook air M1Apple M1 chip with 8‑core CPU, 7‑core GPU, and 16‑core Neural Engine  8GB u 4
macbook air M1Apple M1 chip with 8‑core CPU, 7‑core GPU, and 16‑core Neural Engine  8GB u
89,900 ETB
macbook air M1 Apple M1 chip with 8‑core CPU, 7‑core GPU, and 16‑core Neural Engine 8GB unified memory 256GB SSD storage¹ Retina display with True Tone Magic Keyboard Touch ID Force Touch trackpad Two Thunderbolt / USB 4 ports 18 cycle count call 0993232233...
Apple M1
10th Gen
8GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
HP Elite X2 5
HP Elite X2
37,000 ETB
HP elite x2 2in1 detachable pc Core i5 256 gb SSD 16gb ram 13.3 inch Price ...37,000br Call +251977858670 +251974400046...
Intel Core i5
7th Gen
16GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
Hp Elitebook 5
Hp Elitebook
85,000 ETB
HP ELITEBOOK 830 G8 BRAND NEWIntel core i7 11th generation Total Cores 4; Total Threads 8Base speed : 3.0GhzUp to 4.8Ghz processor speed 512GB ssd storage 16GB RAM 3200MHz speed 14" inch screenFull HD Display keyboard Backlight BEST BATTERY LIFE @ja_e_24 ለአጭር መልእክት ይደዉሉ 0943-4680-63 0703-8415-32 Contact us @ja_e_24 Join t.me/ja_computer "Building Digital Bridge"...
Intel Core i7
11th Gen
16GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
HP EliteBook 840 G3 4
HP EliteBook 840 G3
28,500 ETB
Hp elitebook 840 G3 best laptop for general businesses &for students with warranty     1 TB HDD(plus +128SSD) 8gb installed memory(upgradable to 16gb) has graphics card 6th generation Intel core i5 14.1 inch screen size . FullHD resolution . Keyboard light . has sim and SSD slot price 27500 bir...
Intel Core i5
6th Gen
8GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
hp elitebook 840 G3 3
hp elitebook 840 G3
27,500 ETB
Hp core i5 elitebook 840 G3 750gb hard disk drive + 266GB ssd 8gb installed memory 6th generation Intel core i5 14.1 inch screen size FullHD resolution has sim and ssd slot Price... 27,500etb...
Intel Core i5
6th Gen
8GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
New Hp Elitebook 840 G5 4
New Hp Elitebook 840 G5
46,500 ETB
New arrival 10pcs available Grad A+ Laptop Brand New hp elitebook 840 G5 Core i7 8th generation Octa-Core processor High Quality processor Intel Core i7 -8th generation micro-edge Corning Gorilla, with Eyes detect 16GB DDR4 RAM 512 GB SSD(faster than Hard disk) Edge to edge screen with IPS display DTS speakers 14.1" inch screen with FULL HD resolution Ultra-slim Silver color Battery life 8hrs price .. ..46,500 birr...
Intel Core i7
8th Gen
16GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
Hp elitebook 820 Core i5 7th genaration Laptop 3
Hp elitebook 820 Core i5 7th genaration Laptop
32,000 ETB
Hpcore i5 elitebook 820 G4 256GB SSD 8gb installed memory 7th generation Intel core i5 13.3 inch screen size FullHD resolution Keyboard light has sim and ssd slot Price... 26,000etb Call 0945033090...
Intel Core i5
7th Gen
8GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 laptopwith spectre pen11th Gen Intel Core i7 11390H16 GB LPDDR4X R 3
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 laptopwith spectre pen11th Gen Intel Core i7 11390H16 GB LPDDR4X R
148,000 ETB
HP Spectre x360 2-in-1 laptop with spectre pen 11th Gen Intel Core i7 11390H 16 GB LPDDR4X RAM Average 1tb SSD Display: 13.3 inch 4k x360 Touch Screen Call 0993232233...
Intel Core i7
11th Gen
16GB Ram
13.3 inch
Addis Ababa
hp envy x360 3
hp envy x360
83,000 ETB
New arrival 12th generation 2023 Brand new laptop Hp Envy x360 Core i5 12th generation Core i5 12th generation Converitable,TouchScreen Ultra Slim 12core and 16 Logical Processors 512GB SSD Storage 8GB DDR5 Ram Iris Graphics card Long Last Battery Life, 15.6" Screen Size Price 83000...
Intel Core i5
12th Gen
8GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
Acer predator Helios neo 16 3
Acer predator Helios neo 16
275,000 ETB
Acer predator helios neo 16 Gaming laptop Core i9 13th generation 32GB RAM 1TB SSD Storage Geforce Rtx 4070 8GB graphics 165hz refresh rate 24 cores 32 logical processor Pri e 250,000 birr...
Core i9
13th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
87,000 ETB
MacBook Air 2020 M1 M1 Chip processor PRODUCTION YEAR 2020 256GB SSD Storage 8GB unified memory 13.3-inch (diagonal) Price 87,000 ETB Call 0993232233 0976602498 https://t.me/+o3lMs_wJiAViOTM8...
Apple M1
8GB Ram
13.3 inch
Solid State Drive (SSD)
Addis Ababa
Brand New  hp pavilion           11th Generation  (2021)   finger printer   with keyboard 4
Brand New  hp pavilion           11th Generation  (2021)   finger printer   with keyboard
74,500 ETB
Brand New hp pavilion 11th Generation (2021) finger printer with keyboard light Model : HP pavilion Condition: Brand new 11th generation core i5 Screen :15.6 inch Storage :512gb ssd storage Ram : 16gb DDR4 With intel Iris Graphics card 10 hours battery life Price : 67 500 birr call 0993232233 0976602498...
Intel Core i5
11th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
New Hp.Pavilion Plus Laptop 3
New Hp.Pavilion Plus Laptop
106,000 ETB
Brand New Hp Pavilion plus Laptop Core i7-13th Generation Status, brand new Ram, 16GB Storage, 1TB SSD Graphics, Iris Xe Graphics 15.6" inch screen sizekeyboard light Battery,above 7 hrs Price, 106,000 Call ...
Intel Core i7
13th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
brand new Omen 15 Gaming 3
brand new Omen 15 Gaming
121,500 ETB
Brand New Omen 15 Gaming 300HZ refrash rate Hp Omen Rtx 2070 Dedicated 8gb Graphics 15.6" Screen Size core i7 10th generation refrash rat 300HZ RGB keyboard light 16GB DDR4-3200Mhz Speed 1TB SSD Storage Battery life above 6hrs Graphics 8GB NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 2070 Laptop GPU price..121,500 bir...
Intel Core i7
10th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
Asus Rog ZephyrusBrand New Asus Rog ZephyrusCore i7 12th generation Processor 16GB DDR4 R 4
Asus Rog ZephyrusBrand New Asus Rog ZephyrusCore i7 12th generation Processor 16GB DDR4 R
155,000 ETB
Asus Rog Zephyrus Brand New Asus Rog Zephyrus Core i7 12th generation Processor 16GB DDR4 Ram 512GB SSD Storage 6GB Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060 144HZ Refreshing Rate RGB Keyboard Light PRICE :139,500 ETB 09 93232233 09 76602498...
Intel Core i7
12th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
Hp omen 15Display:16" FullHDProcessor:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H 8core / 16 threadsStora 3
Hp omen 15Display:16" FullHDProcessor:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H 8core / 16 threadsStora
138,000 ETB
Hp omen 15 Display:16" FullHD Processor:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H 8core / 16 threads Storage:1000 gb SSD RAM: 16GB Graphics:8GB Nvidia RTX 3070 graphics Price:128,000 birr Call or text at: +251993232233...
Intel Core i7
10th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
HP elitebook 1040 G7 4
HP elitebook 1040 G7
66,000 ETB
New arrival today Diamond cut  2021 HP Elitebook x360° 1040 G7 Notebook pc   convertible Brand new laptop core i7 processor   10th generation 2021   Screen size :14.1 nch full HD (1920x1080) screen display Touch screen Storage: 512SSD   Ram : 16GB DDR4   8hrs hours battery life   Super slim design HD Sound system   finger print White keyboard light Call 0931792567 0961285022 https://t.me/megacomputer...
Intel Core i7
10th Gen
16GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
  Hp pavilion x360 NIVDIA GEFORCE 4GB GRAPHICS CARD intel core i7 8th generation Screen s 4
  Hp pavilion x360 NIVDIA GEFORCE 4GB GRAPHICS CARD intel core i7 8th generation Screen s
79,000 ETB
Hp pavilion x360 NIVDIA GEFORCE 4GB GRAPHICS CARD intel core i7 8th generation Screen size :14 inch full HD (1920x1080) screen display Storage: 512SSD Ram : 16GB DDR4 Super slim design HD Sound system Call @+251993232233...
Intel Core i7
8th Gen
16GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
New arrivalBrand NewLenovo Thinkpad X1 carbon Core i7Special Features Touch screen        4
New arrivalBrand NewLenovo Thinkpad X1 carbon Core i7Special Features Touch screen       
58,500 ETB
New arrival Brand New Lenovo Thinkpad X1 carbon Core i7 Special Features Touch screen 4K Screen with anti-Glare features Support 3 port for SSD Processor Core i7 with turbo boost 5.0 GHz speed 8th Generation 512GB SSD storage (Faster than Hard disk) 16GB Ram 14.1 inch screen in size (with edge To edge angle display) Above 7 hours battery life Price ...48,500 etb +251993232233...
Intel Core i7
8th Gen
16GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
Ultra-slim Dell XPS  Gaming  Laptop with black edition ️ Intel core i7 11th generation  ️ 3
Ultra-slim Dell XPS  Gaming  Laptop with black edition ️ Intel core i7 11th generation  ️
125,000 ETB
Ultra-slim Dell XPS Gaming Laptop with black edition Intel core i7 11th generation32GB DDR5 with 4800MHZ RAM512GB PCIe NVMe SSD(faster than Hard disk)4GB Nvidia RTX A2000(same as 4060 RTX) Dedicated graphics cardHarmen karden speakers15.6" inch screen with 4k resolutionUltra-slim Dark-Black colorPrice.....125,000birrCall0993232233...
Addis Ababa
Acer Nitro 5 Brand new with manual  Core i9BRAND NEW ACER Nitro 5Base speed 2.9GHZLogical 4
Acer Nitro 5 Brand new with manual  Core i9BRAND NEW ACER Nitro 5Base speed 2.9GHZLogical
177,000 ETB
Acer Nitro 5 Brand new with manual Core i9 BRAND NEW ACER Nitro 5 Base speed 2.9GHZ Logical 14 processors 20 Intel Core i9-12th Generation 144Hz Refresh Rate+2K Resolution16 GB DDR4 RAM 512 SSD ( 3pc Available Free HDD Slot )re-Key RGB With Anti-Ghost KeySilver lining16" inch screen with FHD resolution 8GB406/8GBPrice 177,000 Birr Call 09 93232233 09 76602498...
Core i9
12th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
SONY PROJECTOR withAccessory Model name VPL-DX100Hardware interface VGA, HDMI with remote 3
SONY PROJECTOR withAccessory Model name VPL-DX100Hardware interface VGA, HDMI with remote
39,500 ETB
SONY PROJECTOR with Accessory Model name VPL-DX100 Hardware interface VGA, HDMI with remote Mounting type Floor Mount, Tabletop Mount Brand SONY 3LCD BrightEra Technology &And Secured Setting Lock lump hour in economic mode 10,000hr(Normal+Eco) Brightness 2800 ANSI Lumen Controller type Button Control Price……..33500 etb 0993232233 Inbox @gech...
Addis Ababa
Brand New Hp Elite book 850 G5 Intel Core i5-8th Generation ▶️Storage: 512GB SSD▶️Ram : 1 2
Brand New Hp Elite book 850 G5 Intel Core i5-8th Generation ▶️Storage: 512GB SSD▶️Ram : 1
52,500 ETB
Brand New Hp Elite book 850 G5 Intel Core i5-8th GenerationStorage: 512GB SSDRam : 16GB DDR415.6 inchi screen sizeSuper slim design Price......42500birr Call@0993232233 0976602498...
Intel Core i5
8th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa
New Hp Pavilion Slim Laptop 4
New Hp Pavilion Slim Laptop
80,000 ETB
2pcs available NEW ARRIVALS 2022 HP Pavilion with 2gb graphics ultra slimINTEL CORE I5 12th generation Model : pavilion GRAPHICS: 2gb Nvidia mx550 graphics Screen :15.6 inch FHD display Storage : 512Gb SSDRam : 16gb DDR4 Metallic body Finger print Dolby sound system Price: 80,000...
Intel Core i5
12th Gen
16GB Ram
15.6 inch
Addis Ababa