ASUS 5th generation Laptops for sale & price in Ethiopia

New arrival from America ️Asus Rog  high ending  GamingROG Ryzen 9-5900HX series ️Base sp 7
New arrival from America ️Asus Rog  high ending  GamingROG Ryzen 9-5900HX series ️Base sp
158,000 ETB
New arrival from AmericaAsus Rog high ending Gaming ROG Ryzen 9-5900HX seriesBase speed 3.3GHZ 8 core and 16 logical Full HD Resolution 300 HZ Refrash rate 15" Screen Size RGB keyboard light 16GB DDR4 1000gb SSD Storage Graphics 6GB NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 3060 GPU good Battery life price..158,000 Call 09 45 26 45 44 አዳዲስ እና በመጠኑ ያገለገሉ ላፕቶፖችን ፤ ኮምፒተሮችን እንዲሁም ፕሮጀክተሮችን እንገዛለን እንሸጣለን።...
AMD Ryzen 9
5th Gen
16GB Ram
15.5 inch
Addis Ababa
Asud X360 Corei5 5th Generation Laptop 4
Asud X360 Corei5 5th Generation Laptop
27,500 ETB
New Arrival Asus x360° laptop Touchscreen & Support PenCPU:Intel Core i5-5th Generation Main Memory:6GB Storage:1Tb HDD Slim & Portable laptop GPU: Intel HD Graphics Display:14" FHD(1920x1080) Touch screen Battery: excellent Price:27500 birr 0945033090...
Intel Core i5
5th Gen
6GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
New arrival from America ️Asus Rog  high ending  GamingROG Ryzen 9-5900HX series ️Base sp 5
New arrival from America ️Asus Rog  high ending  GamingROG Ryzen 9-5900HX series ️Base sp
158,000 ETB
New arrival from AmericaAsus Rog high ending Gaming ROG Ryzen 9-5900HX seriesBase speed 3.3GHZ 8 core and 16 logical Full HD Resolution 300 HZ Refrash rate 15" Screen Size RGB keyboard light 16GB DDR4 1000gb SSD Storage Graphics 6GB NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 3060 GPU good Battery life price.........158,000 birr Call 09 45 26 45 44...
AMD Ryzen 9
5th Gen
16GB Ram
15.5 inch
Addis Ababa
 New Arrival Asus x360° laptop  Touchscreen & Support  Pen️CPU:Intel Core i5-5th Generati 4
New Arrival Asus x360° laptop  Touchscreen & Support  Pen️CPU:Intel Core i5-5th Generati
28,500 ETB
New Arrival Asus x360° laptop Touchscreen & Support PenCPU:Intel Core i5-5th Generation Main Memory:6GB Storage:1Tb HDD Slim & Portable laptop GPU: Intel HD Graphics Display:14" FHD(1920x1080) Touch screen Battery: excellent Price:28,500 birr 09 24 24 07 22...
Intel Core i5
5th Gen
6GB Ram
14.1 inch
Addis Ababa
New Asus x360 Laptop 4
New Asus x360 Laptop
27,500 ETB
New Arrival Asus x360° laptop Touchscreen & Support PenCPU:Intel Core i5-5th Generation Main Memory:6GB Storage:500GB Slim & Portable laptop GPU: Intel HD Graphics Display:14" FHD(1920x1080) Touch screen Battery: excellent Price:27,500 birr Bole medhaniyalem alemimesh plaza...
Intel Core i5
5th Gen
6GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
New Asus x360 Laptop 3
New Asus x360 Laptop
24,500 ETB
New Arrival Asus x360° laptop Touchscreen & Support PenCPU:Intel Core i5-5th Generation Main Memory:6GB Storage:1Tb HDD Slim & Portable laptop GPU: Intel HD Graphics Display:14" FHD(1920x1080) Touch screen Battery: excellent Price:24,500...
Intel Core i5
5th Gen
6GB Ram
14 inch
Addis Ababa
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